
By the end of 175 female voice. /**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** All rights reserved. ** Contact: Nokia Corporation ( ** ** This file is part of the examples of the Qt Toolkit. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:BSD$ ** You may use this file under the terms of the BSD license as follows: ** ** "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ** met: **   * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright **     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. **   * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright **     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in **     the documentation and/or other materials provided with the **     distribution. **   * Neither the name of Nokia Corporation and its Subsidiary(-ies) nor **     the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote **     products derived from this software without specific prior written **     permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ** "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ** LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ** OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ** SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ** LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ** OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE." ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/

#include <QtGui> #include <QtSql>

#include "window.h"

//! [Set up widgets] Window::Window(QWidget *parent)     : QWidget(parent) {     setupModel();     nameLabel = new QLabel(tr("This is a Label"));     nameLabel = new QLabel(tr("<b>Cha&pter:</b>"));     nameEdit = new QLineEdit();     addressLabel = new QLabel(tr("<b>&Content:</b>"));     addressEdit = new QTextEdit();     typeLabel = new QLabel(tr("&Type:"));     typeComboBox = new QComboBox();     nextButton = new QPushButton(tr("&Next"));     previousButton = new QPushButton(tr("&Previous"));

    nameLabel->setBuddy(nameEdit);     addressLabel->setBuddy(addressEdit);     typeLabel->setBuddy(typeComboBox); //! [Set up widgets]

//! [Set up the mapper]     QSqlTableModel *relModel = model->relationModel(typeIndex);     typeComboBox->setModel(relModel);     typeComboBox->setModelColumn(relModel->fieldIndex("description"));

    mapper = new QDataWidgetMapper(this);     mapper->setModel(model);     mapper->setItemDelegate(new QSqlRelationalDelegate(this));     mapper->addMapping(nameEdit, model->fieldIndex("name"));     mapper->addMapping(addressEdit, model->fieldIndex("address"));     mapper->addMapping(typeComboBox, typeIndex); //! [Set up the mapper]

//! [Set up connections and layouts]     connect(previousButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),             mapper, SLOT(toPrevious()));     connect(nextButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),             mapper, SLOT(toNext()));     connect(mapper, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)),             this, SLOT(updateButtons(int)));

    QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout();     layout->addWidget(nameLabel, 0, 0, 1, 1);     layout->addWidget(nameEdit, 0, 1, 1, 1);     layout->addWidget(previousButton, 0, 2, 1, 1);     layout->addWidget(addressLabel, 1, 0, 1, 1);     layout->addWidget(addressEdit, 1, 1, 2, 1);     layout->addWidget(nextButton, 1, 2, 1, 1);     layout->addWidget(typeLabel, 3, 0, 1, 1);     layout->addWidget(typeComboBox, 3, 1, 1, 1);     setLayout(layout);

    setWindowTitle(tr("Briefing of Hate"));     mapper->toFirst(); } //! [Set up connections and layouts]

//! [Set up the main table] void Window::setupModel() {     QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");     db.setDatabaseName(":memory:");     if (! {         QMessageBox::critical(0, tr("Cannot open database"),             tr("Unable to establish a database connection.\n"                "This example needs SQLite support. Please read "                "the Qt SQL driver documentation for information how "                "to build it."), QMessageBox::Cancel);         return;     }

    QSqlQuery query;

    query.exec("create table person (id int primary key, "                    "name varchar(30), address varchar(900), typeid int)"); // Introduction

    query.exec("insert into person values(51, 'Introduction 1 ', "                 "'<qt>I dedicate this book to <b><font color = blue> <font size=5>  MY PARENTS </font></font></b>. My father is a good man, and together with my mother they were always"                " loving and wonderful with me.God prepares the things in a very special way. I was just wondering why this book had to be prepared specially "                " for a phone application. Why in C++? <br />"                "It turns out to be that most of the attacks that are currently destroying my life are done with phones.<br />"                "And it was precisely phone applications with <b><font size = 3> Qtopia </font> </b> where I centered my attention more acutely when I came to California"                "in 2005 to develop open source applications. For some reason Qtopia attracted my attention more than applications over XAMPP, the "                " second subject upon which I focused at that time."                "<img src= /images/figure8.png /></qt>', 99)");

    query.exec("insert into person values(52, 'Introduction 2', "                 "'<qt>The continuous stumbling blocks for me to develop in Los Angeles were not identified by me correctly. Was too technical at that "                " moment and absolutely unaware of important events that were taking place in this country. Just wanted to develop my career"                " in the areas of open source and stabilize my life, marry and have kids. I almost had it all. But there was  <b> <font size = 2>darkness over me </font></b>"                " me and I did not take the proper steps to identify the aggressors so I strenghened them. <br />"                " And they attacked me in the moment in which I was more happy than ever, married and surrounded by wonderful people. That is another reason for the book. But "                " my parents are far above the later, and the health of my father, in special, was the reason for me to return. <br /> "                "<b> <font size = 4> I will never forget what happened after.</font><b>"                "</qt>', 99)");     query.exec("insert into person values(53, 'Introduction 3', "                "'<qt>  Those of you who believe in Human Rights, should read this book and never forget what happened to me. It will help you, in a  "                "way, to understand the handling of information in a new way, undisclosed to many. I did my research in books already published."                " Only thing that I observed is that there was some special interest in eliminating these some of these books from the market and that the readers, "                " wether you believe it or not, were sometimes targeted by those who were critized in the book.<br />"                " All the books that I used for my research were made in America. I assume to sole responsability for the interpretation of "                " the information in the books. The opinions of my book are the result of my analysis of informations and events that I underwent"                " and transformed my life. I have reasons to believe that there are many people interested in my physical elimination. Many journalists and artists have died, "                " under very strange circumstances in this country during recent years, I am talking about Michael Jackson, Ledger, journalists who die of sudden heart attacks or "                " accidentally shot when they were filming something. I do not think that any of those events are casual. I also do not think that Randy Quaid run out of this country "                " out of paranoia. Something is going on and what is going on is not good. And there are many people involved. <b><font size = 4>Dark Minded People.</b></font>"                "</qt>', 99)");

    query.exec("insert into person values(54, 'Introduction 4', "                "'<qt> Another reason  for me to write this book is because I am against hate, and there is a lot of hate involved in what has happened to me. "                " I am perceiving that I have been a victim of a conspiracy that goes far beyond of me as an individual. It is a direct attack to minorities and ideologies "                " with the pretext of sex. And an attempt to force a specific interpretation of life over wide sectors of the population. <br />"                " With that purpose in mind, I have been given an artificial personality. This book is written to explain what has been done and how. <br />"                " It has been prepared, as I explain in the book, by staging three shows: </b> "                " First:<br />"                "The show that the public watches <br /> "                "Second: <br />"                "The show of the perps preparing all "                " sort of stressing situations - which have lead many people to suicide - which are not shown to the public. <br /> "                "Third : <br />"                "And  most important of all, the show of the "                " intellectual responsibles who decide who stays alive among the perps and the vicdtims - that show is closed to the public too, even the public, that is not "                " stupid, feels that the show has been instrumented as a lesson, and consequently, learns - to be dominated through examples. "                "</qt>', 99)");

    query.exec("insert into person values(55, 'Introduction 5', "                "'<qt> What is happening in this country and the world at this moment in what refers to violence and hate. How this book can help you? <br />"                " At the moment that I am writing there is a strong discrepancy in what refers to the use of means of communications to increase and spread hate and xenophobia within the US . "                " The ACLU - American Civil Liberties Union - addresses it in its website at the moment of my writing. Also at the United Nations the industrialized countries are in discrepancy "                " with the developing countries in what the right use of the means of the communication is. What is not addressed in detail in the news is the extent in which the information can, "                " almost immediately, be associated with physical interaction with devices or criminals who can turn the apparently inofensive transmission of an image, for example, into a physical "                " aggression. This book, based in information that I have painfully collected from others who suffered the same as me, tries to describe and alert of this trend, possible to devices"                " like cell phones, tables, secret internets and social networks. Since I am victim of a complot that has used all these resources, I think that I can explain a little about all these"                " XXI Century ways of destroying people, who is behind and how certain groups of the population profiteer from these methods. After you laugh for a while while seeing the shows, Get"                " ready, the next one is you. They start with soft targets but soon you will learn that if you do not have X number of millions of dollars, you are vulnerable and targeted too. So maybe"                " self-defense or instinct of survival may be among the motivations to follow up with what I am describing for you. For free for the moment. Later on there will be more info. And it is "                " going to be a more extended book. But this one, at this moment, is a contribution to International Human Rights and based on the Violation of the Geneva Agreements, and is FOR FREE. "                "</qt>', 99)");

       query.exec("insert into person values(56, 'Introduction 6', "                "'<qt>Importan events are taking place in the analysis of information as I am writing this book. I realize that I am not the only one that has analyzed the phenomenon of data transformation "                   " that is taking place in this society. It is a real dangerous trend. The most accurate thing that I have found - written - besides the books that I have read, are the comments of the ACLU about"                   " Big Data. I completely agree with the analysis that they are doing of the handling of the information, only that it is happening at such accelarated pace that writing about it should be , need to be"                   " matched with effective measures on the part of those who handle how to rule everything, otherwise this is going to be a complete kaos. "                   " . Recently I visited the place of a minority group and I found that both them and people outside of the place spoke as I belonged to the group "                   " Did I find the same attitude when I recently visited different churches. No. So consequently there is a bias towards me belonging to certain category and that trend has been promoted by some group."                   " I am absolutely sure that it is a trend that is currently being used to target and tag hundreds of thousands of people in this country, with very specific objectives in mind. "                   "</qt>', 99)");        query.exec("insert into person values(57, 'Introduction 7', "                "'<qt> Sometimes hypochresy and wrongdoing get enthronized with different purposes in the background. I can affirm that I had never witnessed before the kind of cold killing "                " that is perpetrated against me. When the cars pass by my side and play hate songs that call for my death and I denounce it and nobody does anything. When they go to conferences where"                " I have spend money trying to make a living and bias the people against me, when they go to the Starbucks and to the places where I apply for a job or start working and nobody, absolutely"                " nobody is corrected, but on the countrary, secretely encouraged, it is the equivalent of a very cruel and direct aggression. And I am not the only one that has observed that in the areas"                " that I am going to mention. Hope the book be useful to you. <br /> "                " Thanks"                "</qt>', 99)");

       query.exec("insert into person values(58, '2010 - Abou and his Friends', "                   "'<qt> I met at About while hospitalized. He was just conducting the carts with the food. At least apparently. Abou loves to be informed and to inform the others about what is happening and what is going to happen. <br />"                   " He is authorized to predict because he has important friends, at least he says so. So the people should know that I will die because there are devices non-detectable that are going to be used against me at the right time. <br />"                   " There is something in the voice of About that I do not like. It sounds too real. There is no fake in what he is saying. Disaggreable yes, unreal no. So About was one the most important people that sent me to research. Whatever happened I had to know <br >"                   " So when somebody activated the device that accelerated my heart while I was in bed and when the group beat up a girl in the adjacent room and then mentioned it the next day with their unforgetable : Here is your call to New York! statement, like saying, "                   " learn, here we do whatever we want, I said to myself, it is either a research or I will die sooner than I expect. So I did my research, and I discovered <b><font size = 5> Virtual Data - The Darkest Threat. </font></b>"                    "<br/></qt>', 99)");


       query.exec("insert into person values(1, 'The Characters - Tenkashi', "                    "'<qt> Year 2001.First guy in my life who threatens me with: You will commit suicide <br />"                    " I had just asked for a machine with the minimum technical characteristics to run the applications that I was supposed to work with. A crazy guy <br />"                   " Later on I found out that other people had complained about different issues while dealing with them. He was considered a racist man. < br /> "                   " There were also references to his Group.  </qt>', 101)");         query.exec("insert into person values(2, 'The Characters - Ann', "                    "'<qt>Year 2000.First person in my life that says that:"                    "<br/>She will put my picture allover the world. And now in 2012 they enjoy it like a lyinching. But wait a minute, the other countries can handle data too."                    " Objects were burned when I changed to another section. With people celebrating around. "                    " A little before being forced to leave this company.</qt>', 102)");         query.exec("insert into person values(3,'The Characters - Mathew' , "                    "'<qt>Real weird guy. He threw balls to the monkey that they hanged over my cubicle.<br/>Death threats. < br /> "                    " I am almost sure that I met Mathew whenn I was looking for job in Hollywood. "                    " It was a strange situation where I was interviewed like 4 1/2 hrs by one manager after the other. "                    " Mathew told the lady who was talking to me before the interviews that his notes were not hers. In reference to me. I always wondered what he meant by that."                    "</qt>', 103)");         query.exec("insert into person values(4, 'The Characters - Brad', "                    "'<qt>Good companion of Mathew. He also threw balls to the monkey and threatened:<br/>Take the monkey out</qt>', 101)");         query.exec("insert into person values(5, 'The Characters - Miguel', "                    "'<qt>Closely associated with Tenkashi. Authorized to monitor according to the rights granted by T.<br/>And he really believed it.<br/>"                    "- really happened.</qt>', 103)");         query.exec("insert into person values(6, 'The Characters - Percy', "                    "'<qt>Interesting individual. Likes meetings with baseball bats in hands. He authorized Tenkashi to read my rights. Believed in NVNNHI, by the way he structured our first meeting.<br/></qt>', 101)");         query.exec("insert into person values(7, 'The Characters - Juan', "                    "'<qt>First guy that I take out of the office to talk with him in private. 2001.<br/>Apparently angry because Miguel was somehow disciplined"                    "<br/>Likes indirect talking through cubicles</qt>', 102)");         query.exec("insert into person values(8, 'The Characters - Iris', "                    "'<qt>Good companion of Miguel. Likes to communicate with him through cubicles to notify the whole company<br/>Explicit in making negative comments about people of color. Informed about my family-very bad.<br />"                    "Absolutely convinced that she has ethernal immunity</qt>', 103)");         query.exec("insert into person values(9, 'The Characters - Martin, "                    "'<qt>2003. Unbelievable indidual. First and only guy that touches my face at the market <br/>Police asked if I wanted him to be arrested. <br />Heard him through the wall of my bathroom later - for sure</qt>', 101)");

        query.exec("insert into person values(10, 'The Characters - Kiram', "                    "'<qt>2001. Belonged to the group of Tenkashi. Blocked network access to Visual Basic connections to databases several times<br/>Enjoyed that.<br/>"                    "Transparent to me what he was doing. I had practiced SMS before him.</qt>', 103)");

       query.exec("insert into person values(11, 'The Characters - Gerai', "                    "'<qt>2008. An individual by this name started harassing me to death at Miami Beach.<br/>He retired to the end of the lobby and observed everything while handling a laptop. <br />"                   " First time that I focused my attention on him was when he yelled before taking the elevator and took a brief look at the desktop "                   " where I was working at. I asked Joshua and he said, smiling, His name is Gerai . I strongly feel that Joshua was cooperating fully in all what the two groups commanded by "                   " Gerai and the other Man - unidentified and doing things at the sofa - had planned for me. </qt>', 101)");

       query.exec("insert into person values(12,'The Characters - UnidWoman1 - Hollywood' , "                    "'<qt> 2008 - A woman where I was living temporarily in LA.<br/>Talks through the window saying things that are not truth."                    "<br/>Frightening behavior, intimidating, she talks like a person who likes torture. At that time, I did not believe that such a person could exist in the US. "                   " That was my level of disinformation. But when you see a person talking with certain level of cruelty, repeatedly, you ask yourself the logical question "                   " Is this for real? I believe now - 2012 - that they were for real, and that they feed the minds of the local criminals and singers? into a specific atmosphere where "                   " it was allowed and encouraged to talk about my death. When you feel that kind of atmosphere around your mind starts floating, I cannot describe it in another way. And, when complementing this "                   " there are techniques used against you that you cannot understand till years later, that creates an ideal environment for your attackers. </qt>', 101)");

       query.exec("insert into person values(13, '2008 - The Characters - UnidWoman2', "                    "'<qt>A woman is placed several days between the two areas of the Ocean Five Hotel<br/> She tries , continuously , to bias the people of the hotel against me</qt>', 101)");

        query.exec("insert into person values(14,'2008 - Ocean Five - Taxi Driver' , "                    "'<qt>This man goes to the desktop where I was working in Ocean Five and starts biasing the other employees at the hotel against me. </qt>', 101)");         query.exec("insert into person values(15,'Group 1 - Claremont' , "                    "'<qt>Very strange group, located at the lobby of the hotel.<br/>Some of them with computers. Constantly trying to intimidate me in differnt ways<br/>"                    "With evident complicity of my trainer in frontdesk applications</qt>', 103)");

        query.exec("insert into person values(16, '2008 - Group 2 - Claremont', "                    "'<qt>This group was located in the terrace and sidewalk adjacent to the hotel<br/>They showed pictures of me to whoever passed by near the hotel. With the evident purpose of biasing as much people as possible against me. </qt>', 101)");

        query.exec("insert into person values(17,'2008 - UnidMan 3- Claremont' , "                    "'<qt> '2008 This man starts making fun of me while seating at a sofa in the Hotel Claremont'. <br /> At very early ours of the morning<br/>Mail Handling Service"                    "<br/>Service City</qt>', 101)");         query.exec("insert into person values(18,'2008 - UnidWoman - Claremont' , "                    "'<qt>2008 This woman seated in a sofa in the middle of the lobby of the Claremont Hotel<br/>Descredited any knowledge that I could have to carry out my tasks. Comments in a loud voice about it .</qt>', 103)");         query.exec("insert into person values(19, 'UnidMan2 - Claremont', "                    "'<qt>2008 This man goes to the front desk and, the same as the taxi driver at the Ocean Five, tells Joshua that I am not what I am seem to be<br/>He looks misterious.</qt>', 101)");

        query.exec("insert into person values(59, '2010 - Abou and his Friends', "                    "'<qt> I met at About while hospitalized. He was just conducting the carts with the food. At least apparently. Abou loves to be informed and informed the others about what is happening and what is going to happen. <br />"                    " He is authorized to predict because he has important friends, at least he says so. So the people should know that I will die because there are devices non-detectable that are going to be used against me at the right time. <br />"                    " There is something in the voice of About that I do not like. It sounds too real. There is no fake in what he is saying. Disaggreable yes, unreal no. So About was one the most important people that sent me to research. Whatever happened I had to know <br >"                    " So when somebody activated the device that accelerated my heart while I was in bed and when the group beat up a girl in the adjacent room and then mentioned it the next day with their unforgetable : Here is your call to New York! statement, like saying, "                    " learn, here we do whatever we want, I said to myself, it is either a research or I will die sooner than I expect. So I did my research, and I discovered <b><font size = 5> Virtual Data - The Darkest Threat </font></b>"                     "<br/></qt>', 99)");

                   // The Locations

       query.exec("insert into person values(20, '2008 Fort Lauderdale Airport', "                    "'<qt>2008 After suffering a very careful searching in this airport people - from the employees who did the search - start commenting about me being HIV positve<br/>"                    "As if they had made a test. I start worrying about this</qt>', 103)");

         query.exec("insert into person values(21, 'Unidwoman Plane', "                    "'<qt>2008 While in the plane going from  Atlanta to San Francisco a woman starts making my life misserable<br/>She tries to bias the attention of the people in the plane towards me <br /> "                       " She is seating just in front of the seat I have in the plane. She is the first person that I hear saying :You came to die in California. In a very threatening way. </qt>', 101)");

         query.exec("insert into person values(22, '2008 San Francisco Airport - Arrival', "                    "'<qt>2008 On arrival to the airport the most nightmarish event of my life develops.<br/>What had started at Fort Lauderdale kind of have a climax. All people are commenting that I am HIV positive "                    "<br/>and that I am a bad man who has laughed when I had been informed of my parents death. Nobody wants even to see me. There was a couple of people speaking English with accent "                     " Besides me at the airport - strong men - who talked about how they refrained from killing me <br /> . "                     " A very strange and threatening atmosphere around me all the time. Other people laughed cynically when I passed by.</qt>', 102)");

        query.exec("insert into person values(23, '2008 - San Francisco Airport - First Week', "                    "'<qt>2008 The first week I did not leave the airport terminal. Strange devices bombarding me with sounds outside.<br/>A lot of pressure on the part of people in general. All comments destructive."                    " Everybody in the airport seemed to be authorized to pounding on me. Remember that I went to one of the terminal of the train shuttle that services the airport and one of the employees activated an audio device "                    " where I heard one of the first hate songs against me. The employee in that section - clearly biased against me - tried "                    " to make me feel as uncomfortable as possible. And the passengers started to take into account that something was going on with me. It is only recently that I have been able to remember what happened during those days. "                    " And I feel sad, as a human being, for what was done to me at that time. I am also absolutely sure that it is one of the important events that contributed to take my mind literally out of this world. I have to acknowledge "                    " at this moment to things, it happened without me having the slightest idea of how deep and important I was affected; 2.- It had much more serious consequences that I imagined. I was living, until I started to recover <br /> "                    " near the river, in a sort of illusion and reading, reading as much as possible to try to understand what happened in the world, and the world around me at that time. </qt>', 103)");

        query.exec("insert into person values(24, '2008 - San Francisco Airport - The rest ', "                    "'<qt>2008 The nightmare develops and I start wandering about by the terminals of the airport and the surrouding areas. <br />"                      "<br/>The cold weather hurts me a lot. I start fearing that my health is being deteriorated. I call San Francisco for a shelter and they say that I have to go to the city. I am afraid of leaving the airport. Stay like this at least 15 days. <br />"                    " I am sure that this was the moment that my mental stability went down. The worst thing is that, when it happens, you ignore it completely. I was extremely concerned with being hurt. <br />"                    " I remember that in one of the terminals, the one that was the last one before starting going to South San Francisco, I heard a man - an Asian man - that in the plane that I had arrived my death vault was in there. He said that in a cold and frightening way. "                    " Also, one person that I do not want to mention - at the airport - said that "                    " he felt like shooting me with his gun. A photographer - a woman - took pictures of me as if I were an animal when I was trying to sleep near the security section "                    " while she laughed as if she were taking pictures of an animal. A lot of communities aparently had been biased against me."                    " the best I can describe the situation is that I perceived it, knew that it was about me and did not believe it. There were some good reasons for my skeptism, they were calling me a transexual name and I have never being a transexual."                    " At that time I was absolutely ignorant of how people can accept a lie through constant repetition.  </qt>', 101)");         query.exec("insert into person values(25, '2011 - Santa Cruz ', "                    "'<qt>2011 Arrived to that area because I wanted to ask myself several questions about what was going on with my life<br/>Only in 2012 I started to find some aswers.<br/>"                    "After bettering my health somehow. Too late perhaps. There was a political vendetta using me as proxy. Hate campaign about sex. Started 2000, revenge in 2007 while I was married.</qt>', 103)");

    query.exec("insert into person values(26, '2011 - Santa Cruz ', "                    "'<qt>2012 I do not think that I would have ever been able to understand what was going on if I do not breath the fresh air and eat and sleep. I could do partially - all of this here. It was a well elaborated trap..<br/>  Geodon and Risperdal played a rol. Authorized gangstalking and mistreament at the hospital too</qt>', 101)");         query.exec("insert into person values(27, '2011 - Santa Cruz ', "                    "'<qt>2012 There are three books that I have read which are a must to understand what has happened to me<br/>Against All Enemies, Soft Cage, Angler"                    "<br/>A must read to understand how this country has changed</qt>', 102)");

        query.exec("insert into person values(28, '2012 - Santa Cruz - Phone calls ', "                    "'<qt> I receive only partial attention when I make complaints with medical and political institutions"                    "<br/>I feel that there is a wide anti-immigrant feeling in this country. Even on the part of the immigrants that have already been established from previous years. Color of the skin is important in the harassments.</qt>', 102)");

        query.exec("insert into person values(29, '2011 - 212  California ', "                    "'<qt> Sophisticated instruments are used to harass, with sound and possibly with some signal more powerful associated with the sound. My fear is that one thing is presented to the audience and another is directed to the target"                    "<br/> I feel that there is a great desire to hide what is happening because some people are , in diferent spheres of the society, profiteering from it. <br />"                    " Profits come from songs, clips and hate films sometimes. There are many people turning the blind sight. Many suicides. </qt>', 102)");

        query.exec("insert into person values(30, '2012 - Santa Cruz ', "                    "'<qt>Only recently has been a person sentenced due to bullying. And it was from India, the country of Tenkashi, no wonder, there have been many people from different nationalities doing the same thing with deadly results "                    "<br/>Let's see what happens in the future</qt>', 102)");

        query.exec("insert into person values(31, '2012 - California - 1 ', "                    "'<qt>It is a difficult to read situation. A lot of hate around me. It looks political too. I have tried to do my best"                    "<br/>Harassment and dangerous medicines seem to be part of the culture. Whenever you complaint - if you are homeless - you ar sent to the hospital. I had never been homeless before < br />"                    " And certainly had not witnessed so much abuse in my whole life.</qt>', 102)");

        query.exec("insert into person values(32, '2012 - California - 2', "                    "'<qt> I start thinking that there is a conspiracy against me. Or at least a consensus to destroy me. "                    "<br/> A great advantage was achieved when they managed to internalize me in a hospital. I have read, repeatedly, that they do this to discredit the person who makes complains.  < br />"                    " After that dangerous medicines that raised my diabetes - I was not diabetic at the time of taking the medicines - pain in the teeth and very delayed Medical card - took months. <br />"                    " And the last thing, and most dramatic, was my reaction to the anesthesia, that everybody says is abnormal, after advising the doctor that I was feeling pain in the joints with that anesthesia the very first time that he treated me. <br />"                    " The second time I was injected a greater dosage. From that momen on the pain in the joints is coming very frequently. The harassment continues on me. Using different kind of media. </qt>', 102)");

        query.exec("insert into person values(33, '2012 - California - 3', "                    "'<qt> I feel that I have been used for business and politics and that they want to carry out what that woman promissed in the plane. By the way, as soon as I arrived to the terminal and became exhausted <br />"                    "I felt comercialized like an animal by a woman who started taking pictures of me while I, tired, tried to sleep near the Security Section of the Airport , those guys treated me well, not the woman of the pictures < br/>"                    " The ones who wanted to destroy me achieved a great point also during a lot of time making me think that all the aggressions were originated locally, in the places where they took place. </qt>', 104)");

        query.exec("insert into person values(34, '2012 - California - 4', "                     "'<qt>I started to think that something big was going on with me in 2010, at the hospital. Thanks to the comments of Abou and his group. All of them said that I was going to die. I was sort of a pop culture in the mind of some guys. <br/>"                     "They also mistreated a patient almost in front of me - adjacent room - to the point that the poor girl screamed. And then let me know that it was how they cared about my calls to New York. In explicit reference that I had made to NY asking for guidance and help"                    " It was intimidation at its best and was granted and facilitated with the strange diagnose of parannoia that they did of my case. </qt>', 104)");

        query.exec("insert into person values(35, '2012 - California - 5', "                     "'<qt>I have what I think is a clear record in what refers to my technical skills in this country and mine "                    " the application that I have built for this information has been created in Qt and programmed specially for Nokia Guis. It is a mixture of envy with hate what is after me. Very powerful"                    " They also resented my interracial marriage. It is a powerful trap and at the current time I have no resources. I am naturally concerned about the future. Several things happen that help <br />"                    " At the moment that I am writing this words this is the state with more hate crimes denounced in the US and , since a long time ago, I have said that this is hate campaign orchestrated against me. < br />"                    " Wether those who are in charge of supervising want to acknowledge it or not. </qt>', 104)");


        query.exec("insert into person values(36, '2012 - California - 6', "                     "'<qt>I have what I think is a clear record in what refers to my technical skills in this country and mine "                    " I feel that I have been SET UP in a very careful way. With a lot of people collaborating in different manners. From different entities"                    " The main problem is that it seems to be a procedure standardized in which every part knows how to respond to get away from any responsabitily <br /> "                    " And I have only started to understand the plots since 2010. When I starting doing my research.</qt> ', 104)");

        query.exec("insert into person values(37, '2012 - California - 7', "                     "'<qt>I have been thrugh undescriptable mental drama < br />"                    " In a very undefined, but at the same time powerful way, I found out that happiness is really scarce here. They felt envy < br /> "                    " Of my marriage with Val and then they have structured a chain of lies that has transformed my whole life. <br />"                    " For some reason, perhaps mystic, I preferred analysis before event thinking of defense. But the situation is critical. </qt> ', 104)");         query.exec("insert into person values(38, '2012 - California - 8', "                    "'<qt>My papa is sick. He is one of the most importnat things in my life. The other one is my mother. It is The Law of God < br />"                    " And it is precisely seeing my mother and papa sick what brought me to this country< br /> "                    " But it was impossible, at that time, for me to see the connections among the aggressions that I was suffering <br />"                    " Well many people died and committed suicide at that time as a result of the techniques that were applied on me. Up to certain point I am lucky. </qt> ', 104)");

        query.exec("insert into person values(39, '2012 - California - 9', "                     "'<qt> I feel that my trauma is the trauma of a person who has been happy before being mistreated. I was happy in my country and I was happy in this country too. I also was happy in Canada, with my wife and her family. < br /> "                     " so I have been happy in differnt places and with different people <br /> "                     " I am not accustomed to the culture of violence and blind obedience that exists in this country now  < br /> "                     " It blurrs the reasoning , facilitates crime  - with different pretexts from different agendas - and will have serious consequences for this society < br />"                     " Many people are commiting suicide for reasons similars to the ones I have described as harassment. Crime has increased, racism and hate crimes too. < br />"                     "  So if that is the context in where I have been mistreated it is not an imaginary world what I have described. I wold like that those who are fond of comparisons < br /> "                     " find a happy one that has undergone what I had to. <b><font color= red> <font size = 5> Written in a Qt application. April 2012. </b> </font> </font></qt>', 104)");

        query.exec("insert into person values(40, '2012 - California - 10', "                     "'<qt>I strongly feel that I have been used as a proxy of a homophobic, racist and xenophobic vendetta in this country < br />"                    " One important aspect in this campaign is the cynism that is used to describe any event related to me - always with derogative smiles - to disregard the cruelty, for example, of the hate songs <br /> "                    " most of which are asking for violence against me. They enforce the sexual issue to hide and justify  the way that the information is obtained and used in this country. That is:  < br />"                    " selectively and targeting minorities for destruction. Lies mixed with info obtained in a way that violates the International Human Rights and the International Law cannot other purpose than creating"                    " a bridge to act with impunity when forbidden means are used. </qt>', 104) ");

        query.exec("insert into person values(41, '2012 - California - 11', "                     "'<qt>It is not me the only one that is concerned about what has happened to the civil liberties in this country "                    " there has been certain progress in what refers to address specific issues from the sexual perspective. But it has been like a transaction where the "                    " abuse committed by many people in the past is going to be granted immunity and the suffering of the victims, who have lost jobs and suffered a lot "                    " - emotionally speaking - is going to be disregarded and no compensation awarded. I am afraid that the bad guys and intolerance are smiling with cynism, "                    " working in the darkness and looking for better times. Defiant of the new rules and trusting in their economic wealth. New economic wealth built upon the old one. <br />"                    " <u><font size = 5><font color = blue>And always with the same rules, divide , conquer and kill whoever brings change or knowledge to the inferior ones.</font> <font></u></qt> ', 104)");

        query.exec("insert into person values(42, '2012 - California - 12', "                     "'<qt> In what refers to me. I am absolutely convinced that I am exercising legitimate defense against a group of cynical people who are trying to kill me mixing "                    " bad jokes, hate songs, movies, clips , car provocations and more in a show of instigated violence never seen before in human history. < br />"                    " When I read several books about what was happening while I was in my state of mental terror I realize that the minds of those who have planned this against me "                    " are very, very dark ones. The fact that this country authorizes torture and that many of its own citizen have been used for human experimentation - without consent - is enough"                    " <b><font size= 5> <font color = red>to make safety the most important priority of my life.</font></font></b></qt> ',104)");

        query.exec("insert into person values(43, '2012 - California - 13', "                     "'<qt> Is what is done with information and non lethal weapons and other lethal ones of new type known by the people in this country"                    " I personally think that only the concerned ones have an idea  sometimes better than me about what is going on < br /> "                    " But the rest obey and act as if they were in 1984 raised to the 20th power. Then they are concerned about losing the first place "                    " in everything that they previously had. It is the natural consequence to the cult to violence that exists here and the hypochresy to hide it? < br /> "                    "<b><font size=5> <font color=green>When they were looking for scientists all around the world other panorama existed here. That is why selected to do this in a flavor of C++ </font></font></b></qt> ',104)");

        query.exec("insert into person values(44, '2012 - California - 14', "                     "'<qt> I guess that every person has its own particular opinions, right or wrong. I am sure that I could have "                    " been happy in thi period of my life, if it there had not been so much bigotry around me < /br> "                    " It is kind of unforgetable what the guy I was working for told me when I showed him a couple of steps in Joomla"                    " He told me : But that is JavaScript, see how many classes has like in CSS. He was serious. The classes had"                    " an origin in CSS. He had learned that at his design course in college. I offered him to implement an Ubuntu Server. < br />"                    " Next day after the installation of the server and the GUI with everything OK, the server did not have power. "                    " Rejected my offer to install Moodle upon the same server and teach classes in an empty classroom near him. Am I right or wrong "                    " when I say that there were many interests in my destruction <b><font size = 4> <font color= blue> California 2012/1984 </font></b>"                    "</qt> ',104)");         query.exec ("insert into person values(45, '2012 - California - 15', "                "'<qt> It was at <b><font size=4> <font color = red> the Bayshore Hospital </font></font></b>that part of my life was changed in a decisive way too. In 03/2008 I went to the hospital"                     " and, there was so much hate against me, that the man who was sitting adjacent to me turned to the woman that was besides him "                     " and said, texually: This is a bad man and I am going to look for some of my boys to kill him. He left the hospital. <br />"                     " There was a strange tension at the hospital. An environment of lynching where the people commented openly that some people "                     " had been killed in that hospital and that I was going to be the next one. Continuously repeated that I had laughed at my parents death "                     " to bias in a mortal way the people against me. Later the subject of my family has been used in different opportunities and ways by criminals."                     " Other people also use this subject to judge my life and justify their aggressions. I consider all this criminal harassment. <br />"                     " The people who are capable of doing that at a hospital and spread besides that you are infected with HIV do not stop at anything to get what they want. "                     " After that a team entered the hospital. There was a young black man that new everything about me and spread it around. He was the one in charge of the shooting"                     " Before I called 911. A latino - English Speaking - man designated him. He explicitly said that they were going to go after my economy"                     "</qt> ',105)");         query.exec ("insert into person values(45, '2012 - California - 16', "                     "'<qt> My opinion - based on readings that I have made of literature of this very country - is that there were "                     "always procedures in place for people not liked at corporate level. With the special permissions to disclose information and the immunity granted,"                     " all types of illegal activities that they made against certain individuals are going to be justified and certified in favor, unfortunately"                     " of people who commited crimes like illegal surveillance in clubs and other places, entered your room and set you up in different ways, hacked your computer, etc <br >"                     ". Consequently there is a group of people who is in danger in this country. Many of them ignoring it, given the advanced nature of the devices used to destroy their "                     " lives, it is a real nightmare to find out about this and be, at the same time, a victim of this type of actions. </qt> ',105)");

        query.exec ("insert into person values(46, '2012 - California - 17', "                     "'<qt> At San Francisco International Airport I felt, for the first time in my life, like an animal that was sold to the media. I was genuinely "                     " confused in what refers to the nature of the attack. For many days I considered it ridiculous to be taken by a transexual. But there were repeating it"                     " like a lethany to justify their attacks. How they managed to handle big portions of the population and made them believe it, I still do not know. Only know "                     " that the consequences were nefarious ones to me. In the hospitals, I felt treated as an animal too, several times. There is something going on here in what"                     " refers to communications and having people who can treat targeted people very cruelly in any place. It is well organized and it is not casual.</qt>', 105)");         query.exec ("insert into person values(47, '2012 - California - 18', "                     "'<qt> Among the most impressing moments of my life is one event that took place while married "                     " Fithteen After married I was invited to go to my wife's psychiatrist. I was told there completely the opposite of what I had been assured before married"                     " in order to avoid addressing extremely private issues, I will leave it in there. For now. It was a remarkable moment in my life, that forced me to make "                     " a decision. Did I want to stay with her or not. I had arrived to Canada invited by her. She had behaved well until that moment. I stayed. <br />"                     " I am not sure, at this moment, if it was a wise decision. Until I have no proof of the contrary, I will go on considering my wife a good person.</qt>', 105)");         query.exec ("insert into person values(48, '2012 - California - 19', "                     "'<qt> Another important factor of distress was the influence that a man called Sunny exerted in most Val's decisions. I perfectly remember that the man is talking "                     " with me and Val, one day, as if I knew nothing about computers, as if I were a fake, with a strange and undefined smile in his face. When I had a meeting with Val's sister"                     " they told me real bad things about the man, but I am objective person and only facts are valuable to me. No wonder, after finding this man and another person in the house, when I "                     " returned from playing chess in the house and Val completely asleep I started to make mental notes. Some tools for the computer had dissapeared, so I asked about them. Val talked to him. < br />"                     " the tools were returned. According to him they had been taken inadvertendly when the car was taking out of the house for something. In other aspects of our life"                     " this man was always present, in my consideration strangely too much. < br />"                     " By the end of my staying there I looked at him - as if there were someting else - in his attitude.</qt>', 105)");

        query.exec ("insert into person values(49, '2012 - California - 20', "                     "'<qt> Seems to be that the plan that some people had for me was to submit me to unhuman treatment and make living almost impossible for me. "                     " they did it with a lot of lies and by inserting enforcers in the crowds, these guys repeated what was supposed to be the truth, continuosly"                     " creating a lot of stress and fear around me. I wrote FEAR, nobody wanted to have anything to do with me for a long time.</qt>', 105)");         query.exec ("insert into person values(50, '2012 - California - 21', "                     "'<qt> I have no doubt in my mind, according to what I have read - I am reading a 4th book now - that I have been demonized at the convenience of specific groups "                     " interests, who want to advance specific agendas, very likely ultra-right wing groups with links to KKK and other supremacist organizations. Regretably only recently I have been able to process"                     " productively some information in my mind. I would say that a starting point was near the river San Lorenzo. From that moment on there have been recovery periods and other moments in which the "                     " process of my mind has stopped and I have started to have difficulties remembering things again. Forgetting issues and remaining static against my will were two of the main effects that Risperdal"                     " had on me. But that is not supposed to be a factor in the show that has been mounted. And my fear of being tortured, which is very real after the previous experiences in different places, gives "                     " them more fuel to say that I am a chicken and I do not know how many more things. There is no doubt that the planners of all this have killed me and my family. < br /> "                     "<b><font size=5><font color = red>  It is, no doubt the most dissagreable and dangerous experience of all my life. </font></font></b>"                     "</qt>', 105)");

        query.exec ("insert into person values(50, '2012 - California - 21', "                     "'<qt> Memory is something that can be affected greatly by emotions. I learned about that when I went to live under the tree for the first time. A sort of fixation develop in me and it was the"                     " reason of the first trauma. After that , when I was internalized in the hospital, came the second blow, when the medicines had their toll on me; as important as the medicines were the strange "                     " situations of abuse that I saw while at the hospital and in some of the visits that I paid to it later. The latino personal was the one that treated me more fairly, with few exceptions.  <br />"                     " I am stating this because I am beginning to remember and what I remember I do not like. I remembeer myself walking like crazy by the streets of Miami Beach trying to find a place where to hide"                     " from the continuous harassment with songs that called for my death and ending up near the police station. And a voice coming out of the police station saying: He is here ! to the hip-hop guys "                     " who were singing to my death. In the beginning it was that kind of music, later others joined. I am remembering also walking through Alton Road and a policeman in a car saying: He is a transexual! "                     " and me trying to make sense out of that, and a woman passing by and making a comment about thata. Yes, I have started to remember back and it is painful. Because if there is a real truth in this story is that I have never done sex for money or gone out as a transexual with any human been. < br />. Some people"                     " are profiteering of mixed information with the purpose of deadly results. And when I also remember that I was beaten in Alton Road by a guy who had been evidently paid by somebody who passed in a car,"                     " I feel that I do not like at all what I am remembering.<br />"                     " And there is still more, I remember the first days that I arrived to Miami Beach and tried to get a job and, again, another person of law enforcement going near me and saying: Hey that pretty boy over there"                     " talking to me and talking to the crowd around. And me in complete perplexity thinking how things had changed in a place that used to be so quiet and friendly. "                     "</qt>', 105)");

        query.exec ("insert into person values(61, 'Privacy ', "                     "'<qt>While I am writing this book there are many people worried about what is going on with the handling of information. <br />"                     " This is part of what the ACLU is publishing 04/26/2012 : <br />"                     " CISPA gives companies the authority to share that information with the National Security Agency or other elements of the Department of Defense, who could keep it forever. The Obama administration issued a veto threat on CISPA earlier this week. <br />"                     " ACLU legislative counsel Michelle Richardson stated, “CISPA goes too far for little reason. Cybersecurity does not have to mean abdication of Americans’ online privacy"                     " I guess that some of the people mentioned in previous sections of this book will be happy - for the moment. In my opinion, the world will be, at some point, become aware of what is going on. As abuse spreads, and it will. <br/>"                     " The monitoring is already persistent. Today I found, at the bus stop where I usually seat for a lot of time, a brand new tobacco bag - when you see the tobacco though the transparent part of the plastic you saw a bird. The name of the brand : Sparrow. May be a message <br /> "                     " My other fear is that there might be methods in place to eliminate physically people considered undesirable. "                     "</qt>', 105)");         query.exec ("insert into person values(62, 'Human Rights', "                     "'<qt> ... a list of non-exhaustive categories such as sex, race, colour and so on. The principle of non-discrimination is complemented by the principle of equality, as stated in Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights."                     "</qt>', 106)");

                  query.exec ("insert into person values(63, 'Privacy ', "                     "'<qt> It seems to be that everything I have written is synchronized with athe worries of different sectors of the population. It does not look good for privacy or civil rights. < br/>"                     " In my particular case sophisticated audio-devices have biased the population without allow my voice to be heard one single time. It looks a lot like 1984. People look at you as if you were a phenomenon. Death fillings are instilled in the people against me. It has happened in a lot of ocassions. "                     "</qt>', 106)");

                  query.exec ("insert into person values(64, 'Conspiracy ', "                     "'<qt>Joshua new everything that was happening in the hotel. All the calls that I had made. And he did not care. He was ghe one that created the biggest commotion in me when I called the police and, instead of talking with me, the police-woman talked to him. He told her a lie about me and then"                     " He said that she should not worry about the phone calls that I had made to the FBI. All this always looked strange to me. He smiled frequently when I complained and was always in contact with Gerai"                       "</qt>', 106)");

                    //! [Set up the main table]

//! [Set up the address type table]     query.exec("create table addresstype (id int, description varchar(30))");     query.exec("insert into addresstype values(99, 'Introduction')");     query.exec("insert into addresstype values(101, 'First Period')");     query.exec("insert into addresstype values(102, 'Second Period')");     query.exec("insert into addresstype values(103, 'Third Period')");     query.exec("insert into addresstype values(104, 'Conclusions')");     query.exec("insert into addresstype values(105, 'Important Moments')");     query.exec("insert into addresstype values(106, 'Universal Human Rights')");

    model = new QSqlRelationalTableModel(this);     model->setTable("person");     model->setEditStrategy(QSqlTableModel::OnManualSubmit);

    typeIndex = model->fieldIndex("typeid");

    model->setRelation(typeIndex,            QSqlRelation("addresstype", "id", "description"));     model->select(); } //! [Set up the address type table]

//! [Slot for updating the buttons] void Window::updateButtons(int row) {     previousButton->setEnabled(row > 0);     nextButton->setEnabled(row < model->rowCount() - 1); } //! [Slot for updating the buttons]

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