The perpetrators of this crime against us have been profiting from our untimely deaths for almost 20 years.Monies from various sources have been put aside in our name. These include:- Court Ordered Judgments- Fabricated Letters of Agreement (supposing willful participation in various programs)- Settlements- Life InsuranceYears ago when an ending to this atrocity was first funded by all Countries, the perpetrators denied knowing our identities. They also indicated that the number of victims were greater than there were at the time. An arrangement was made to pay the victims as they were identified, and a Fund established to hold these monies, "Ronald McDonald House Charities Fund, UK". (More of us were implanted with "radio teeth" in 1999 after this technology was already outlawed... white enamel finished crowns, radio active on the inside... these can easily be identified on an x-ray... a white halo will emanate from them, and often times the gum's around them will recede.)If we identified ourselves (and we all have more than once) we should have been paid something substantial and our implants should have been removed. Instead, the perpetrators have been perfecting their ability to control, manipulate and impede our communications. They, over many years found ways to disguise their purpose and intent and increase our value to them dead. They have tortured us, ritually abused us, destructively manipulated our life's and the life's of our loved ones, and lethally engaged us. They purposefully recklessly endanger our life's and continue to fabricate allegations of wrong doing against us.They have controlled the media in order to discredit our testimonies. They even illegally and illicitly flagged us as "enemy combatants" in order to impede justice and prevent or deter other organizations and agencies from coming to our aid. This has resulted in our rights as guaranteed by the Constitutions and Charters of our respect Countries and our inalienable rights being denied to us.Their intend is and has always been to shorten our lives by extraordinary means. Have our deaths appear to have been from suicide, or natural causes like an illness or an accident. They then send in our death certificates with evidence indicating we were implant victims; and having listed themselves as beneficiaries, collect all monies that were put aside for us. They have done this also with other settlements that have been issued in our names through the use of charitable sounding organizations like the following Eugenic Society organizations: International Planned Parenthood Federation, UK, Society for the Study of Social Biology, USA and For Kids Sake, CAN.It is very important for all Targeted Individuals to understand this crime being committed against us so that we can stop them. And to deter their continued attacks and prevent them from profiting from our death, to establish a Will and designate primary and alternate beneficiaries.
The Prime Minister of Canada
e-mail to pm@... or write or fax the Prime Minister’s office at:
Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa K1A 0A2
Fax: 613-941-6900
Michael Leiter, Director of the National Counterterrorism Center
John "Geoff" O'Connell,Deputy Director, National Counterterrorism Center
Kathryn Turman, Program Director, The Office for Victim Assistance, FBI via on-line form or through a local or international field office
Integrated Threat Assessment Center, Canada (ITAC)
c/o Canadian Security Intelligence Service
P.O Box 9732
Postal Station T
Ottawa, ON K1G 4G4
Telephone: 613-231-0100, Facsimile: 613-231-0612
The President of the United States of America
The Prime Minister of Canada
e-mail to pm@... or write or fax the Prime Minister’s office at:
Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa K1A 0A2
Fax: 613-941-6900
Michael Leiter, Director of the National Counterterrorism Center
John "Geoff" O'Connell,Deputy Director, National Counterterrorism Center
Kathryn Turman, Program Director, The Office for Victim Assistance, FBI via on-line form or through a local or international field office
Integrated Threat Assessment Center, Canada (ITAC)
c/o Canadian Security Intelligence Service
P.O Box 9732
Postal Station T
Ottawa, ON K1G 4G4
Telephone: 613-231-0100, Facsimile: 613-231-0612
UK Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre
(or similar organization in your Country)