Opportunist, Shill, Disturbed? Are Just a few of the Words Used to Describe Blogger Anthony Forwood “Exposing the Truth”Unabomer 2Anthony ForwoodUnabomerYou must ask yourself, why would Anthony Forwood want to glorify the Unabomber as his image on social network for a long time?Will the real anthony forwood, please stand up!After my asking the real Anthony Forwood to show his face and not masquerade behind the Unabomber image, on or about March 12, 2015, he decided to change the image to beloved Don Adams of the old, well liked, sitcom “Get Smart.”It appears impossible for Anthony Forwood to really “Get Smart” and begin to “Expose the ***REAL*** Truth!” Instead he lies, deceives, spreads dis info, and propaganda, and even refuses to post a real image of his self always using others in apparently many ways.He was first hiding behind a mass murder and now a dead actor. Anthony Forwood needs to ***GET REAL*** Obviously he is now trying to make his reputation off, again, well loved and memorable Don Adams of whom he has absolutley nothing in common with at all! Disgraceful!Don Adams brought joy and laughter to humanity!Anthony Forwood destroys the truth by skillfully crafting and producing fraudulent information that could help the public! He butchers the truth. This redirects the public’s attention away from reality, and it appears strategically, from a horrific, again horrific, covert technological program destroying many lives today and dating back decades!!!Changing his image in reality proves how clever he is overall at changing perceptions of the naive and unaware. Below is his new social network image on Facebook.DonAdamsAnother example is that of Anthony Forwood calling the link below, which is essentially a family tree tracking website, similar to ancestry.com, an official link to the Social Security Death Index in his blog dated February 27, 2015 in which he said:This link to the Social Security Death Index shows that no one named Myron May died on Nov. 20, 2014…https://familysearch.org/search/collection/resultsFirst off historically there has never been a large database, or much interest, in reporting to these types of websites within the African American community. This is due to family history not being accurately documented during slavery where families were intentionally separated strategically and no records documented.Family search.com is not even remotely close or accurate, nor is it an official connection to Social Security Death Index information that is updated officially, by law, as cheesy Forwood implies and is attempting to sell to the public wrongfully in his highly questionable blog’s overall!Who is he trying to fool?Could it be possible that, in reality, those who used Myron May, many believe as a gun control patsy, etc., are continuing to do everything within their power, to discredit a vibrant life discredited and destroyed his death as not being reality or a real tragedy? It appears so!!!HERE IS THE OFFICIAL AUTOPSY REPORT LINK:https://schoolshooters.info/sites/default/files/Myron_May_autopsy_report.pdfNOTE: At the end of this report Myron May, it is documented, had Amphetamine in his system which is a known treatment for Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) Myron May was known to have ADD.************************************************************************************************************************************************************NOTE: This blog was re-edited and proofread on March 11, 2015, 11:04 a.m., after obvious tampering from the Operation Center. For example the word “blog” was turned into “blot,” and “the the” etc., was inputed twice which was not initially there initially. Again operation center personnel probably think they are correcting me and spelling correctly.**************************************************************************************************************************************************************THE SUBJECT OF THE BLOG BEGINS BELOW:I stand corrected, in my previous blog, I went back and checked my Facebook messages to see when Anthony Forwood first contacted me on Facebook requesting to interview me after the Myron May incident. One thing is certain, as shown below, he is an expert at baiting a person, hoping to get a reaction maliciously, stirring up controversy, and disinformation, and discrediting others to make himself look good, and, he will publish and say anything hoping to make his reputation off others.As shown by my interactions with Forwood, when I refused his request for information he went on a full attack with disinformation hoping to discredit me and even as I mentioned in a previous blog then attached me with Todd Giffen for his readers. This was after saying he knew I was not connected in his Facebook messages to me on 11/28/2014. Sadly, I completely understand now, fully, that some within the targeted individual community are so heavily targeted they have become vindictive and are lashing out at the wrong people. I am just a girl trying to save my life through exposure, book publication my inspiration, which has so far done just that!Here is the conversation, copy and pasted, word for word, from my first Facebook messages from, again, stranger Anthony Forwood:Conversation started November 28, 2014Anthony Forwood – 11/28, 5:15pmAnthony ForwoodHow long were you in touch with Myron May before the shooting?November 29, 2014Anthony Forwood – 11/29, 12:22pmAnthony ForwoodI have a feeling you were set up. Please talk to me.Renee Pittman Mitchell – 11/29, 1:26pmRenee Pittman MitchellBingo! God is my defense and deliverance.Anthony Forwood – 11/29, 3:12pmAnthony ForwoodI think Todd Giffen is involved in doing that to you. I wondered why he posted your responses to whatever he asked you, but didn’t have the courtesy to also post what he said. I believe he posted your responses on May’s Facebook page in order to harm you. I want to get to the bottom of this… I thibnk whoever you were in contact with was not really Myron May.Renee Pittman Mitchell – 11/29, 3:17pmRenee Pittman MitchellGood luck… Unless you have a Top Secret Clearance or know an insider who would violate his clearance the facts will never be known publicly. I personally must move on from this tragedy.Anthony Forwood – 11/29, 3:32pmAnthony ForwoodI don’t buy that. I see you’re not willing to talk. Just wanted to feel you out at least. I guess you might be involved more deeply than I was hoping. Pittman Funeral Homes is a good clue…..Renee Pittman Mitchell – 11/29, 3:42pmRenee Pittman MitchellHere is my position on that:https://youarenotmybigbrother.wordpress.com/2014/11/26/the-targeting-of-renee-pittman-mitchell-aka-author-renee-pittman-m-of-the-mind-control-technology-book-series/The Targeting of Renee Pittman Mitchell aka Author Renee Pittman M. of the “Mind Control…youarenotmybigbrother.wordpress.comCan anyone explain or have a clue why the link at the bottom of this obituary for FSU shooter Myron May says Pittman? The key word being coincidentally “PITTMAN”. Secondly does not obituaries typic…Renee Pittman Mitchell – 11/29, 3:43pmRenee Pittman MitchellJust moving on and continuing to walk my path…Blessings!Renee Pittman Mitchell – 11/29, 3:48pmRenee Pittman Mitchell“My being involved deeply” is this some type of accusation of someone, you, I do not know personally, who could also be trying to entrap me, and could be anyone sitting at the other end of a computer. I call no one on social media friend and my trust is with GOD. If I called the Operation Center, would you answer? I owe you no explanation after the fact. LOL! If you figure it out please let me know.Renee Pittman Mitchell – 11/29, 3:49pmRenee Pittman MitchellOh, I get it you are a blogger. Everything I have had to say is said and published. Go make your reputation off someone else and not me or this tragedy.No one needs you to figure out anything for them. Many of us have brains too. It is obvious this may have been an attempt to silence me and entrap me as playing a role in manipulating this event.That is far from the truth and Thank God this person put that in a letter or they would have stormed my house finally believing they had trapped me.Now I have idiot after idiot unboxing me believing they are my confidante. (EXPLETIVE DELETED)!Anthony Forwood – 11/29, 4:01pmAnthony ForwoodYou made claims that are confusing the TI community that you pretend to associate your troubles with. You hurt TIs by not clearing this up. Openness will get you farther than secrecy and hiding.But good luck with that……You attempted to sell your part of the May story to the MSM, and they rejected it because they knew you and the letter were a fake. Only reason I can come up with.I don’t need to figure anything out… I already see what’s true. You just verified it. Thank you Renee Pittmen Mitchell.Renee Pittman Mitchell – 11/29, 4:15pmRenee Pittman MitchellConclusion – Anthony Forwood trying to make his reputation off me and believing I should help him. MSN idiot not MSM Bye! Case closed as I continue court filing of this situation before judges, wrote 4 books, and ongoing activism. I owe you absolutely nothing and you are free to believe whatever you choose. My fight for exposure continues.November 29, 2014Renee Pittman Mitchell – 11/29, 8:06pmRenee Pittman MitchellNobody needs or wants help from you. Go find something else to make yourself look good off of! IT IS NOT ME!November 30, 2014Anthony Forwood – 11/30, 1:01pmAnthony Forwoodexposinginfragard.blogspot.ca/2014/11/the-myron-may-controversy-timelineExposing the Truth: The Myron May Controversy – Timeline, Notes, and Unanswered Questionsexposinginfragard.blogspot.comAnthony Forwood – 11/30, 1:02pmAnthony ForwoodKeep patting yourself on the back there, Renee… LOLRenee Pittman Mitchell – 11/30, 1:33pmRenee Pittman MitchellI will pray for…Renee Pittman Mitchell – 11/30, 1:42pmRenee Pittman MitchellYou don’t get it do you? THEY WERE AFTER ME!Renee Pittman Mitchell – 11/30, 2:01pmRenee Pittman MitchellLooked over this blog? I looked online to see if it is stated that the drill focused on the library. Can you send a link saying this drill focused there?Anthony Forwood – 11/30, 4:03pmAnthony ForwoodSo talk to me. I don’t have the paranoia that they’re going to come and get me, so I’m willing to go after them as much as I can. Why don’t you help? I just want to know your part of the story. I will keep it confidential.I’m not sure which drill you’re talking about. There were several in Florida just before the shooting.Renee Pittman Mitchell – 11/30, 6:10pmRenee Pittman MitchellWhich drill specifically is documented to have included a library by law enforcement? December 1, 2014Anthony Forwood – 12/1, 2:02pmAnthony ForwoodI got the information from here:http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/florida-state-shooter-troubled-27075434More Signs of Florida Shooter’s Troubled Lifeabcnews.go.comA man who shot three people at a Florida State University library complained to police and property managers in New Mexico that cameras were watching him in his apartment and that he heard voices talking about and laughing at him, according to police reports released Friday. Myron May…Anthony Forwood – 12/1, 2:02pmAnthony ForwoodI haven’t researched it further yet. – Did you contact Reuters or did they contact you?December 3, 2014 –Anthony Forwood – 12/3, 3:11pmAnthony ForwoodNo answer? Your choice, Renee…Anthony Forwood – 12/3, 3:13pmAnthony ForwoodI did enough digging to find out that you called the major news outlets to give your part of the story. You didn’t go to the police, apparently. Were you encouraged to call the news outlets by someone?I know that Todd Giffen’s photos of the letter were faked. Here’s proof:http://exposinginfragard.blogspot.ca/2014/12/an-examination-of-todd-giffens-photos.htmlExposing the Truth: An Examination of Todd Giffen’s Photos of Myron May’s Alleged Suicide Letterexposinginfragard.blogspot.comDecember 4, 2014Anthony Forwood – 12/4, 4:00pmAnthony ForwoodThat drill at FSU turns out was disinfo put out by some online ‘news’ source. This is why you can’t trust alternative sources any more than the MSM.March 10, 2015Anthony Forwood – 4:38pmAnthony Forwoodanthonyforwood.blogspot.ca/2015/03/renee-pittman-mitchell-seeks-attentionMiscellaneous Notes by Anthony Forwood: Renee Pittman Mitchell Seeks Attention (and Needs…anthonyforwood.blogspot.comAnthony Forwood – 4:38pm (March 10, 2015)Anthony ForwoodKeep your trash off my blog, BITCH.Renee Pittman Mitchell – 7:25pm (March 10, 2015)Renee Pittman MitchellExpose the real truth! FRAUD!!!Thanks for the compliment!!!NOTE: Apparently Forwood did not like it when I attempted to comment on his blog and post the link below. It took me days of clicking on my image 100 times a day or more for weeks to move my image to it current position. I hardly think that Forwood’s blog, dated December 4, 2014, has received renewed interest within hours and the type of immediate hits it would take to move his discrediting blog up to this position and gain, within a mere few hours. By the way Reuters contacted me as detailed in Myron May’s story.I smell a rat!Here is the Link I posted on his site knowing he would not publish it! This was after asking him to tell the truth, since the certified mailing information came to light, that he knew I had nothing to do with May’s death, Todd Giffen, etc., etc., etc.https://youarenotmybigbrother.wordpress.com/2015/03/06/is-darlene-miles-confidante-of-ken-rhoades-attempting-to-discredit-author-renee-pittman-m-the-myron-may-incident-and-the-book-detailing-fsu-rampage-within-the-ti-community/NOTE: THERE IS A GREAT POSSIBILITY HIS BLOG IS BEING USED, AND LIKELY HIM, BY THIS GLOBAL OPERATION IN COMBINED STRATEGIC EFFORTS TO REDIRECT AND SWAY PUBLIC PERCEPTION, CONFUSE, PROVIDE DISINFORMATION, AND CREATE CONTROVERSY, COMBINED AS AN ONGOING HOPE TO DISCREDIT, AND TO STEER ATTENTION AWAY FROM THE MYRON’S MAY TRAGEDY, WHICH I PUBLISHED AFTER THIS OPERATION BELIEVED ALL OF THE FACTS IN THE CERTIFIED MAILINGS HAD BEEN CONFISCATED.MYRON MAY’S PASSWORDS WERE ALSO PART OF THE CERTIFIED PACKAGES HE SENT OUT AND OBVIOUSLY HE WANTED THE 10 REAL RECIPIENTS TO HAVE. I DID FACTUALLY COPY AND PAST EMAILS RELEVANT TO HIS TARGETING AND PUT THEM INSIDE HIS BOOK WHICH WILL BE FREE AS AN EBOOK DOWNLOAD SOON.I WILL KEEP YOU POSTED:MY HOPE, AGAIN IS, AND HAS ALWAYS BEEN, TO SIMPLY TELL ANOTHER SIDE OF THE STORY TO INCLUDE BEFORE THIS BOOK, A BOOK DETAILING MY PLIGHT!Anthony Forwood instead of approving my rebuttal comment, earlier, which would have made him look bad, then came back with this blog today, March 10, 2015, cleverly:anthonyforwood.blogspot.ca/2015/03/renee-pittman-mitchell-seeks-attentionI guess “Exposing the REAL truth” is not an option for him because it will not draw attention to him and make him look good.Clearly based on his initial contacting me, on November 28, 2014, he sought to exploit me, and himself as the self-appointed voice of, and for the Targeted Individual community in delusion of grandeur. And, furthermore, if I had even tried to foolishly sell anything to MSM it surely would have made every major news station and paper on the planet. This is just absurd and typical of his fraudulent blogging! Controversy is an effective method to keep the public entranced in Psy Ops!I do not need or want attention, and frankly, as do many, do not want to be targeted at all!Many are MK ULTRA programmed. This was the government 20 year official mind control program and some due to a malicious nature are very easily used because this.I found Forwood’s accusation of one of his family members, his brother, in one of his blogs as being a Satanist, quite telling. After seeing this at the link below, it all began to make a degree of sense to me. And, there is always two sides to every story. Boo hoo hoo. Forwood a victim, unlikely!LINK:http://exposinginfragard.blogspot.com/2013/02/gang-stalkers-in-family-my-brother.htmlIn a program that has been going on for decades, many report generational mind control testing and some since birth. This deep subconscious manipulation and influencing, documented as part of this specific programming, can apparently be triggered for many reasons and uses.Someone also made this comment related to:Lazy Left Eye and Right Eye and its Connection to Mind Control:Recently read in Fritz Springmeier’s work that droopy eye, or lazy eye, can be a mark of a sociopath. It is caused by trauma based mind control in the person’s past, or some other trauma or torture a person may have been subjected to in the past.The trauma caused frontal lobe brain damage which in turned causes the eye and neural muscles to the eye to not work properly, the person’s face will exhibit a lazy eye. This can be seen in some the elite – Janet Napalitano comes to mind and also some Rothschild’s (Nathaniel).I am thinking that if one eye is lazy, then that’s a sign of front brain damage, which could suggest other behavior/personality traits could be amiss as well. It is known that psychopaths/sociopaths tend to have inactive or damaged frontal brains.Don’t know if you’ve noticed but a lot of celebrities have a lazy left eye and prominent politicians, for example, either left or have lazy right.LINK:https://hollywoodsubliminals.wordpress.com/project-monarch/REFERENCE TO PATENTS AND LAWS APPROVING PSYCHO-PHYSICAL TECHNOLOGY IN FULL USE TODAY WITHIN THE U.S., BRITISH COLUMBIA, AND GLOBALLY:http://bigbrotherwatchingus.comLastly, cry baby I am far as Forwood insinuated in his blog on March 10, 2015. He is quite clever! If I were, this group targeting me would have chewed me up and spit me out quite a while ago!I AM NOT LUNCH AND GUESS WHAT, I STILL FIND LIFE AMAZING! SMILE!Also, it took me 100 clicks or more each day for a week to bring my image to the very top of Google images and clicks to keep it there. I noticed, that Forwood’s negative blog of me was 5 lines down in google images and when I went in to do more clicks on my image. Within a few hours it had been, some would argue, strategically placed right before my image. Hmmm…. Rest assured no one revisited his older blog that many times in literally a few hours.I also find hilarious his deceptive threat to dare targets he is making bogus claims about to take him to court. Many know you can’t bleed a turnip!The fact is true you can’t trust mainstream media (MSM) however, nor can you trust individuals attempting to make a name for themselves.It is all a foundation of likely Psy Ops and Forwood motivated by his handlers!I REST MY CASE…NOTE: After checking, March 11, 2015, 7:24 p.m., I noticed that since I countered Forwood’s blog, with credible information, and posted it, his untruthful blog now appears to be slowly making its way from what was its prominent position within the top three images, on Google, now back down the list… Hmmm…Share this:Twitter1Facebook154Related"STAND" by Rascal Flatts https://www.youtube.com/wIn "Allan Frey"Mind Control and Psycho-Physical Control Technology Has Always Been A GLOBAL Agenda!In "Allan Frey"The Reality of What is Happening Today to Targeted Individuals is Gaining Ground! It is Inevitable!In "Allan Frey"March 10, 20152 Replies« PreviousNext »Leave a ReplyYour email address will not be published.NameEmailWebsiteCommentNotify me of new comments via email.Charly on March 12, 2015 at 10:21 pmRenee: Great information and documentation on your blog. There seems to be just one thing missing. Where are the shielding techniques? There are TONS of tips that can be posted WITHOUT linking to a site selling a product or a service. For example, the many benefits of meditation can be listed. Right now, the entire country is being blanketed by microwaves via the Wi-Fi and the Cell Phone towers. Huge percentages of the population are now popping Big Pharma psychotropic drugs like candy. It’s pretty obvious, these “meds” don’t block or shield. Another topic can be nutrition. Discuss how caffeine and processed sugar, once consumed are affected by microwaves. Would love to see you be on the cutting edge of neuroscience!renee00124 on March 12, 2015 at 11:03 pmExcellent! Email me at: big.brotherwatching@live.com Please put Charly in the Subject line.Maybe we can collaborate on some ideas I have been hoping to put into action on just this subject and just needed a nudge to redirect my attention and focus!Let me start by saying, which I have told people before on Facebook, that Moringa Powder, within a day or two will completely clear up the tiny blisters associated with Directed Energy Weapon attacks many get on the arms and it also replenishes nutrients and flushes the body.It truly is called the “Miracle Tree” and based on my experiences, it is.I want to offer solutions that help, however, that are as inexpensive as possible.LINK: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NEVR2SK?psc=1