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  • Absolutely. In my opinion, and from what I am exposed and my experience, its done by FOI (swedish version of military intelligence) in Swe they work close together with the s.c brain projects"in different shapes, there is also money floading in from these "projects" in different shapes, also covering who does what. In the public agenda from FOI, it clearly says, (my version-belive I have posted the original verison here at one time-but shortly) "they have the goal to contol and influence humans, they cannot guarantee that their experiment will exclude having people from their experiment suffer or even die"...

  • Add: my point is, we have this, proving its possible doing (if shown officially, possible doing on a rat, it for sure has been tested on humans later on-at least we know that) and could be solid proofs for later, like lots of other science reports/aticles. It will always be, If they will be questioned frankly on the stands "yes we have been doing this on rats, but never on humans", well we had this proven to be able to do on rats in this and that article already then...and then todays date, and then they would have to defence the fact they tried it on rats and why, -if never was intended to be also used and applied on humans. A rat brain can never be the same and compared with human brains, so why doing it on rats if not wanting to apply it on humans  like with every else tests done on rats...

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