In the 1970s, the F.B.I.’s Counter-intelligence Program (COINTELPRO) persecuted activists, student protesters, civil rights lawyers, and others trying to inform the innocent civilian of government corruption and massive injustice. This program, eventually exposed by the Church Committee hearings in 1975, involved organized stalking, rumor campaigns, and other elements intended to portray victims as “crazy” and to subsequently remove them from mainstream society (“neutralization”) Today, reports from government whistle-blowers, including former F.B.I. senior agent Ted Gunderson, who died   in the Summer of 2011 after giving his statement, former MI-5 (the U.K’s domestic intelligence organization) operative Carl Clark, whose 2009 interview with German newspaper Raum & Zeit revealed the globalization of contemporary neutralization programs, and former Department  of Defense contractor Robert Duncan, whose 2006 book The Matrix Deciphered revealed the use of classified, advanced weaponry on activists and innocent citizens in an ongoing nonconsensual human experimentation program similar to the C.I.A.’s “MK-Ultra” program in the 1960s (see activist Cheryl Walsh’s 2012 article in the Essex  Review: “Cold War Nonconsensual Experimentation: The Threat of Neuroweapons and the Danger it will happen again”), suggest the existence of a similar but more brutal program. Further, although victims are typically “political,” a large number are innocent citizens either randomly selected for terrifying experimentation or disliked by powerful members of society, a fact revealed in Gunderson’s statement and reports of thousands of victims persecuted for their social status (African American mayoral candidate Connie Marshall, for example, Gloria Naylor, a famous African-American novelist who exposed the similar victimization of African-American authors in her book 1996, and the owner of, a 19-year-old African student persecuted since his acceptance to an elite American university at age 16). These events, by their brutally oppressive, extrajudicial, nonconsensual nature, are being collectively termed “The Silent Holocaust” by researchers and courageous journalists, including’s Vic Livingson (“scrivener”), whose 2009 article exposed the deployment of classified radiation weaponry on targeted citizens and who has since become a destitute target.

This is real. It is terrifying, and it could happen to anyone. Please, expose it.



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