Dear UN Human Rights Councils:
Dear UN Committee Against Torture:
Here is my post on “Coalition for the International Criminal Court ”. The post link is in here.
Some people and I find that this post link has been hacked. From the two pictures below you can see my document cannot be found. When I hid my IP, this ten pages of document pop out. That is, they target specific IP series to hack. Why are they so afraid of my post on the International Criminal Court? The reasons are so simple as follows : Inside this post, there are facts and lies; evils and sufferings; suppression and rebellion; hair-raising crimes and justice.!/photo.php?fbid=671766829557299&set=pcb.671766929557289&type=1&theater!/photo.php?fbid=671766902890625&set=pcb.671766929557289&type=1&theater
Canadian torture victim
Robin Yan