The abillity to use the avenues afforded by the techno maggots can be used to our advantage. Regular recital of the dangers presented to ALL concerned, including the minds of the gang stalkers themselves can bring some around to the realiyty that tose who conttrol them are not on thier side. A discussion between me and the tecnomaggot reveiled to my by voice to skull interface that they have no care or concern for those who take part in their actions any more than monkeys. They have absolutly no respect for who they use and no concern for their lives. They are Programed to do their respective jobs in gang stalking, and are being drawn into a position to be used later for other assignments. In some way, in the long run they may be at a more useable position than any of us could be because we are aware of their agenda in ways the gang stalkers are not.
Together we fight with intellect, honor and a true American Spirit for all others are taking part by definition are Fascists.