Interdimensional Question and Space as an Option

Hi there, 

I've read some stuff on here suggesting solutions. 


-be hopeful but also logical. 

-there is no point spending what little money you have on technology to 'shield' you, think about it. 

-they have all the blood money and decades of research to ANTICIPATE what you would use. 

-this cannot be fought scientifically. 

NEXT, there is a lot of evidence from TI's that there is a manipulation of TIME, therefore REMOTE VIEWING or interdimensional travel is being used. 

-this does not have to mean that ALIIENS are involved, automatically.

-it means that the world government/ humans have had enough MONEY to research how to do this. 

-my guess is something to do with TESLA, research it. 

-this also means that your only solution for this is SPIRITUAL. 

-I know that sounds crazy but I am not just makes sense. as well science is beginning to discover that physics are actually driven by CONSCIOUSNESS. 

-so here you are, a helpless guinea pig in a maze... trying to understand what is happening to you.

-you have been chosen for the very reason that things you do, choices you make, would actually threaten this dark side and have a significant impact, do not be discouraged by 'them'....focus back on your connection to God and belief that this will end. do the best you can to remember goodness, do NOT let them take it away from you, THAT is the point, as unimportant as you may feel, there is a reason for everything and you are not just an average person, read what other ti's have to say and realize they are people who did not sell out, who had big hearts, who believed in TRUE FREEDOM. 

-like the bible says, in the last days, you will not war with flesh but with spiritual powers. 

-that being said, your best weapon is FAITH. develop it. 

-i know that's the last thing you could have in a time like this but it really is your best hope. 

-these people believe they are doing the 'work of God' just like nazis tortured in the name of discovering knowledge to help them. 

-you have to understand that they are just like religious zealots, cults that have no questioning ability, almost like zombies, they think you are a human sacrifice to better humanity. 

-also called 'the great work' or for the greater good. 

-study their belief systems and realize they don't believe anything is evil. they believe in balance and that evil and violence are necessary. 

-the devil has convinced them and you can never outsmart the devil, only refuse to listen and then turn to God. 

-as for escaping to space, I can't say I have the answers but I do know that the technology we have to end this war are already implanted naturally in every human being, choice. 

-you have an inner communication system with higher powers, USE IT. 

-you can consciously decide that you want higher powers to intervene. 

-DO SO. 

-prayers done with a clean heart that will harm no sentient beings are far more powerful than anything done for revenge. 

-do not ask for revenge. ask for this satanic presence that is gaining its power over the masses and has been planning this take over since before kennedy was assassinated, to be removed from earth, forever. 

-ask for all of humanity to be brought back to God.

-ask for intervention from the highest power, LOVE.

-keep praying because it is the strongest energy.

-remember to pray with no attachment or impatience, just know that it is being heard. have faith. 

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