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Dear Freedom's world,
I am a younger, simple person. Today I write you for a serious personal situation, dangerous for the world.
My life is impossible every day. I try to live my life ignoring the problem and some times I can take relax and respiration inside myself. Last weeks this was impossible.
Please to understand with max attention.
This story started about five years ago and more.
In the spring 2009, I suffered a terrible crime. I was a simple student of university in Trieste city(Italy). Some strange electromagnetism arrived in my life on my body. This invisible magnetic presence gave me terrible pain to led me near a place. Through a system with kinds of electric shock torture on my body, I was drived near a wall of a street, with a paper on it. On this paper I could to read a animal sought, and two numbers phone wrote on it. In that moment the invisible presence moved my right arm. I was forced to take the two numbers phone to call them. I called just a number. In that moment a strange shot like laser's sound changed my life, in terrible life.
The shot entered in my head through my ear. In that moment started hells's vision in my life. It was a terrible moment. Some weeks my body did not work. My mind it was destroyed. I could not understand simple comunication or simple sentences on books. The outside world became a real hell through my eyes.
Everything was rated as mental illness and was hidden the truth.
It was very hard to find a simple condition, alone in that secret.
After some months my condition was better. Some times I had a very good health condition. But in this five years I went in hospitals several times. Medicines, doctors, alternative therapies such as acupuncture, reiki, shamanism, qi gong, meditations won only temporarily for my health, but the problem was not defeated. The hells's vision often tortured my soul in these years. I saw hells and die umanity with my eyes and my soul. I suffered demonic torture. I was tortured for my thinking's slavery.
One year ago and more I met some new friends. They helped me for my story. I started to say the truth about my story. I started to practice the best living and look helping. The problem it was not defeated, but I found the force to say the truth. Some months ago I went at police for denounce the crime. It was made. I gave them detailed descriptions and a practical aspect to be investigated, the phone number. Now the police investigates the crime. I wait them for further develop. Some months ago I try to write others mails to denounce. While I worked for this, it started the demonic torture another time.
Now I can go on, but I am a victim of slavery in the head and soul every day. I would like to feel the truth's world near my condition, maybe with any respond and comunication and feeling and action.
Now I am living, luckly. Now this is the problem.
There is in myself a sensation like a electromagnetism wave near the solar plexus and the heart connected at the head. This wave manipulates my vital energy. This wave subdues my vital energy and my soul. It is like a device of control on my psyche-mind. It is like a false program of soul. It wants to stop my understanding of the way of life. This wave stops my choice to look inside myself, it stops my ability to guide my choices and my soul to wisdom, compassion and happiness. It kills awareness. This wave stops me every inside action and every personal intention. It stops me my good wish, my mind, my rational thinking, my nervous reaction force, my will, my freedom, my free thinking, my free life. It wants govern my inside world, it wants govern my life. It wants give me bad feeling and bad action. It separates the connection between my soul and the life in the human peoples. It is like a boss-machine. It can gererare false voices, pictures of various ideas and information within the mind and body to program the direction of life. It subdues my soul and my will. It gives me visions in the world. It gives me illusions and negative sensations. It kills the love in the heart and in the soul. It stops my harmonic respiration giving me bad feeling with others humans. It is a principle of separation and conflict between human peoples. The wave's presence moves between my head, my heart and my spinal dorsal. The wave's presence gives me bad feeling, demonic torture, than It says me: I am god, I save you, you are a bad person, or, you are a good person I am god and I choice to live inside you. In this way It gives a sure inner slavery. I can't to study and to read a book with peaceful, the wave torture me and my understanding. I can't write or comunicate my own thinking, the wave gave me demonic torture for this a lot of times. The inner slavery's wave can to program the wake-sleep circadian rhythm, it can to destroy my sleeping and resting. This wave can soffocate my respiration.
The wave stops the action of consciousness to go in the back of the head, brain and spine. The wave separates the forebrain and hindbrain. The wave can separate my thinking and my head from the consciousness of the spine. In this way separates the thinking and the physical perception of the body. So think may lack the physical consciousness and the relative quiet of the soul into the body and its present. The body consciousness undergoes an arrest of thought and then action. Body consciousness without thought or action without peace and oppression continues on the breath. It is a torture's system to get a bad action without glossy choice, but only a consequent reaction to pain.
The wave stops every will from the area of the heart, through its jet magnetic from the head.
The wave separates the soul's connection with the nature of the planet and stars in the universe.
I was tortured for my will to stay in nature, between trees and flowers, for my will to enjoy the sea, the stars, the sun, the moon and flowers. The wave does not want the soul's connection with the universe and with other human souls; the wave uses demonic or mental torture to separate the soul from the whole of life.
The inner slavery kills my freedom and my life. The suffering is to much becouse the wave's presence can separate the soul and every life's essence, this is terrible.
But I am a simple person, these are some my values: affection, family, the humans relationship, tolerance, thinking's freedom, soul's freedom, truth, friendship, the hugs, the kisses, the tenderness's contact.
The inner slavery can to stop every good intention and every will near the others humans. It works with an invisible inner torture. In these five years I was tortured with demonic visions for my will of love, for my will to meet others humans in love, for my will to express affection and life's optimism inside humans relationships, for my smile and my laugh with people. This is the most terrible situation of life.
But I act for non-violence.
I would like to cry, to express my pain, but the wave can stops the flow of my emotions. I would like share the joy with friends but sometimes the wave can stops the flow of my emotions. I would like express my active force everyday but the wave can to stop my actions. It stops my soul and my will.
But I want love. I act for the love in myself, with my family and friends. I act for the truth of the soul. I act for the love of the soul.
This my life is impossible. There is a bad in myself without love but it is not me, it is a manipulation by some unknown power.
Please answer me and help me.
Now I prefer to stay anonymous.
Please leave comments or personal ego in the silence of this universe. Contact for solidarity actions and resolutions to these atrocities.