Is this “ Medical Torture”? Is this “ Systematic Torture”? Did The Scarborough Hospital (TSH), a public hospital of Ontario, Canada conspire with Toronto Police, Canadian torturers to fabricate my medical report? This time I show you TSH psychiatrist’s handwritten note and his medical report. TSH stated in their two letters to me: “ I would like to inform you again that is standard and legal practice for mental health professionals to destroy such notes.” Let’s start with the followings:

1) My first report to Toronto Police, which they refused to disclose and forward when being asked. After I consulted with my family doctor several times and after I had my brain and body checked, I reported to Toronto Police.


Statement by the Department of Justice ,Canada.


2) TSH’s Mobile Crisis Program. “ is available for individuals who are experiencing a mental crisis.”


3) Handwritten note by TSH’s psychiatrist who conducted mental status exam again in his office. Toronto Police and TSH induced my family doctor to change his mind and prescribe medicine for me although my family doctor refused them. Maybe, you have seen the evidence about this. I went to his office for mental status exam. I used the word, “ induce” because Toronto Police hid and refused to disclose and forward my first report to them when being asked and because TSH “destroyed” the most important part of my medical record and refused to disclose the full medical record to me. In this note, they stated: “Work: student, college; Auto- tech”. Please remember this.


4) Mental status exam  report by TSH’s psychiatrist. I just list 3 points to testify if they fabricated this report.

a) " This patient was seen at the General Campus by our Crisis worker."---totally lied regardless of the law and the facts. Is it necessary for me to explain why they fabricated like this? This is why one Government organization insisted this related record about " This patient was seen at the General Campus by our Crisis worker."

b) “Currently, he is not employed.” You can see from this psychiatrist’s handwritten note. “Work: student, college; Atuo- tech”---Obviously, they were paving the way for their later conclusion.

c)  " I concur with your diagnosis that your patient is suffering from a paranoid delusional disorder…as chemical imbalance in his brain.”--- They lied and falsified again. My family doctor's advice and judgment were on the second page of Toronto Police report, which stated clearly, “...Subject but had been to his doctor and had been told to move out.” Regarding “chemical imbalance in his brain”, please refer to this: “Abnormal Brain Chemicals. Schizophrenia is associated with an unusual imbalance of neurotransmitters (chemical messengers between nerve cells) and other brain chemicals, such as dopamine overactivity, glutamate, reelin, and others. Whether any changes in these chemicals in the brain is a cause or a consequence of schizophrenia remains unclear.”

----The New York Times

Moreover, was my brain tested or examined for chemical balance or imbalance? No, of course not.

Medical report 1:

Medical report 2:


During mental status exam, when I told this psychiatrist that Toronto Police didn’t tell the truth, he couldn’t control himself and shouted: “ You don’t trust the Police. That testifies you are having mental problems.” Ridiculous? Or,  something else? However, when I showed him a letter from RCMP, he said: “ I don’t have time.”  RCMP is police?

In addition, please compare the involved psychiatrist’s handwritten note with his medical report and my first report to Toronto Police, you will see how many differences they have, that is, how many fabrications they made.

I don’t want to explain anything else. So, back to my questions: “ Is this “ Medical Torture”? Is this “ Systematic Torture”?

Canadian torture victim

Robin Yan


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