Is this “Systematic Torture”? , from the Minister or Ministry ’s statement in their letter
The Scarborough Hospital conspired with Toronto Police, Canadian torturers to commit medical torture. You maybe have known this from my previous po...sts, letters and my supporting evidence. They destroyed part of my medical record “according to the law and their standards” , denied my request for the access to my full medical record ( In fact, they reused to disclose the most important parts, the original ones.), fabricated my medical report and my medical record regardless of the law and the facts, induced my family doctor although my family doctor refused them. When some organization ordered The Scarborough Hospital to disclose my full medical record to them, they lied and refused, stating they don’t have any medical record about me in their hospital.
1. Here is the response letter from the Minister of Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Ontario
“Thank you for your follow-up e-mail message regarding The Scarborough Hospital. Public hospitals are independent corporations run by their own boards of directors and funded by the ministry on a global basis. This is set out under the provisions of the Public Hospitals Act and other legislation. While it is important for the ministry to receive feedback about the health care system, the boards are directly responsible for the day-to-day management of their hospitals. The ministry does not involve itself in this type of internal matter, and anyone dissatisfied with a hospital's response should work with the hospital's management to reach a mutually acceptable resolution. Again, we encourage you to continue your dialogue with the hospital administration. Correspondence Services Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care”
2. Here is the Public Hospitals Act on “Public interest”, which I forwarded to them
9.1 (1) In making a decision in the public interest under this Act, the Lieutenant Governor in Council or the Minister, as the case may be, may consider any matter they regard as relevant including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, (a) the quality of the management and administration of the hospital; (b) the proper management of the health care system in general; (c) the availability of financial resources for the management of the health care system and for the delivery of health care services; (d) the accessibility to health services in the community where the hospital is located; and (e)t the quality of the care and treatment of patients.?1996, c. 1, Sched. F, s. 8.
3. Please see their offcial post “If the response from the hospital is unsatisfacory, complaints can be investigated further by calling the above number.” Contact email: The domain name, “moh” just stands for Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Ontario.
4. Please see this piece of news regarding the Ministry “The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care is investigating after a hidden video camera recorded abusive treatment of a resident by staff at the St. Joseph’s at Fleming long-term-care home.”
Meantime, I also forwarded and expressed my concerns regarding The Scarborough Hospital to The government of Ontario, Canada. They both refused to look into it. So, now everything is clear. This is “Systematic Torture”.
Canadian torture victim
Robin Yan