Why do people who hate you have want you to love them?
Does karma exist? I can get the answer out of the deep blue sea. Does me being absolute bring them any Joy? Am I absolute, or is it just the imagination of the gangstalkers and his supporters, they're high. They under estimate me. They are highly overrated. They thought they we're Immortal. The gangstalker is a true fool. He uses words as true when he's a lier, he uses/abuses positive words when he's negetive. He uses words he doesn't believe in. He can't live up to these words, pumpus fool. He's not a that level. He"ll never be. Someone Needs to take his battery.
He uses words he doesn't understand.
He has people acuse me. Instead of making sure I find a job the woman acused me of slaunder. She listenend to the app. She taught she was smart. I Will confront her she thought. Disregarding her job, bad employee. They refuse to do their job. Some of the supporters of the gangstalkers talk like ventriloquists doll. Somebody shove their hand up their......and they
They say to themselves I have swolowed a thruth pill. I know the thruth. Fools! I know the thruth about Angeline they say. Mean woman , you Angeline. Mark AI, told Them so. The stakes are high. I would NEVER hang with a useless twenty something White AI boy.
The AI man tells people he's a better person than me constantly. He insults my boyfriend in my face. He's so jealouse of him, he calls him a criminal and a Cheater and Blames it on me. He want me to be ashamed of my oppinion. He wants me to be ashamed. When he should be ashamed. They want to Shame me! He, man AI wants to Brain wash me. He said when you're Brain washed I"ll leave, he's convinced I 'm a queter After that it was I came strictly for sex. After that, leave your boyffrien for me he said you"ll leave him you left your religion too. So....
Now it's I"ll never leave ,who do you think you are? I don't need the AI. He, AI always thinks the worse of me. He's convinced that there's no good in me.
I love my boyfriend and my boyfriend loves me. They are looking for silly reason to steal him.
I am honest.
AI calls me evil.
The AI is deel state, deep state is evil!
Directed Energy weapons operators are evil!
Tortering somebody is evil!
Harming innocent people like me is evil, a christian!
Illegal surveillance is evil!
Talking away privacy is evil!
Kill and attack is evil!
Lying is evil!
Misdirecting is evil!
Illigal spying is evil!
Holding somebody hostage with Directed Energy weapons is evil!
Charactar assasination is evil!
Making TI Targeted Individuel is evil!
They are messing my head up. I need peace of mind.
People who hate you are waiting for you to love them, while they keep on mistreating you.
Well Bye bye for now,
Angeline Klas