I Have Known where My Chip Implant Has Come From For Year The Pawtucket Police there Guys Were Involved In It and there were others in the Community were also Involved. It's one thing or another A Chip inside a Organism an Organic Organism (Parasight) They Put it into to controal it and move it around so there is no injection and it can easly be implanted and positioned. It's this or Chip Implanted Through An Injection With The Addition of the Parasights. the second way would be sloppy becouse the parasight being the carrier for the chip is alot easyer to get in and position to move around in the human body. I was Given Multiple Implants and they were kept in one place but I have felt them move there are a few of them im my body. My Wife I Found Out has Some Also. Whoever was Involved in it all Will not reveal them selfs but i know there are alot more people involved it it all i have been to other citys for a while they said there not all from around here and this is the game they play to hide the people that were in the north. here is how it was done you might think or it as crazy now but i will show you some chip types later and talk about some to explain it all now. I have lived in Pawtucket R.I. My Whole Life Im John N. a.k.a. Anubis. Lots of People are chipped but none will tell you who they are these guys knew I could do things with computers and stuff this type of chip works in a way like a computer it's programmable and and Interfaces with the human brain. it can do many things and can be used for all types of stuff none of the uses are good nothing i have had a part in creating was useful. unless you want to have a bad result this implant i got was. the interface on this chip i have realy spoken little about what the capabilitys are. i have talked about mind controal masters and slaves and stuff and have taken part in things that ere setup from the beginning in ways. this cop wanted to get me for a reason from the beginning and had friends with this implant and at first i was told they were al police and FBI for a long time i was threatened and harassed for a while and then i met my wife and told her nothing about a chip she knows nothing about it realy it's very limmited her knowladge the others i was on here with we fought alot and they don't want to be cought but the capability of the Programming part is not useful or good at all. to be stealth hidden from others was a big part of it all and to be able to have advantages over others was also a big part of it all this started with a few police and there friends and now has been taken alot fearther the stuff made came from hacks. computer based that were programmed into the chips and used in the wrong ways. to get into chips they wanted to get the the technologie the police wanted it for inflatration to pickup people and catch them all i knew this and it became alot more a tool for terrorism a threat to the nations and a cause for alarm. This is why no one wants to get cought with it or come forward to talk about it. the mind controal part of it has been there for years but the programing part alot of it Origenated in R.I. i had others to speak to on this thing for years i was told not to leave RI the first time and left to Florida for Vacation. this chipping system has been fuly exploited and hacked too much. some of these hacks were made like underhand and others some are Macintosh based style hacks and some may be old Pc type hacks that were made i was not the only one involved in making this it started a fighr between the Police and me they wanted it back and i was not wiling to trust the 2 cops and also was never convicted and picked up for questioning they threatened me and shit so i gave them no trust i threatened them back at one point these chips have a range on so many miles and stuff now it can be consiteded unlimmited here is how they have been setup like a computer with software has been modifyed alot. i know how it works and it's not difficult to use it i more then developed my own way to do this. i was tought for a while how to use it and never wanted the thing so i decided i wanted it removed i was told not to remove it and they did something to it so i could not get it out i never fuly connected to it and i did that part myself. this was the best thing i did yet to not fully use it and have it function gave me an edge an advantage for a long time they wanted to keep it there and i refused to use it there way so i developed my own skills by learning what they told me then useing my own methods. now all chips can be concitered too dangerous to leave in the population of any nation see they have been a threat to nation sicurity and they government dose not fully understand the capability of it all and what it can do i was told it was a secret socity at first and shit after i was talking to the cops when they were useing it but it's alt more then they wanted to deal with now it's wirelss ability alone are too dangerous for people to use. it can be used to access stuff and has been edited extreamly in ways advanced alot fearther than what it was origenaly. not only dose it now have the power of hacking and stuff and been explited too buch but the mind controal ability with it also makes it a bigger threat. one of the first threats fro software is the stealth to be able to use software to block others and have total stealth from anyone when it's wanted and to have the chip setup like a computer was good but the introductin to mask things llke a internet port that can not be found completed the stealth adility and to use with a trojan in other chips allows the range to be expanded to spoof people is what has evolved as a result of it all. whitch if in a car can be used to go into other chips with hacks and never tell people about it gives the other guys there reason to keep there mouth shut to be able to move far away and still talk to people is one way they can claim there close by and talk and be far away. see some people do not now about chips and never knew they were implanted this is a way of doing so to use others unsuspecting and not let them know your there. most would be thinking they would hear others in there chip but the ability to mask things and enbed it with software so they do know there being used for a comunication like a beaker or a way point to fearther connect through a few people gives the ability to do this all and to be able to master a slave also gives the ability for a long range attack so it as become a threat to the nations. with this ability if one wanted to slave someone one into doing something in aonther city or state is simple if it's desired to go one the road find others and trojan them to map a destanation and forward things through the chips is now easy and to slave people with a Mastering and use the forms of Mind Controal make it a threat for terrorist the ability to make someone do something remotely for an assanation attempt is too easy. to setup a bomb and place it remotely in a location has already become a reality and is possable to do the chip can be used to place the bomb with the slave and the ability to Detnate with the Master in another City Controaling the slave has been born. Even if you do not want to listen about the Mind Controal part the comunicaion part is the easyest enough to be in a far range and just give the order for the job to be done and the blocking part makes it easy. no one realy knows who is chipped and it can become untraceable with the use of a software blocker and spoofing can be used to make it look like another person is you. this is the new way of warfair to be stealth and never found and be able to cause a Desaster if you wanted to. see to mod a chip with a hack and use it when someone trys to see who you are like a gameing skin and change the output of what others see will change the appearance of who is doing it all. and there location can be edited. This chip works on Mind Controal it interfaces on thought paterens that can be used to program the chip it's self. there are other types of chips and others can be interfaced to be controaled in a ways of mind controad holustionations and other forms of controal like putting someone into a trance was expramented with can cause people to do things. if you wanted someone dead you could just implant the command into there chip and use it as we call it here tunning into them and forceing them to do this with a haoucination is now simple. it's an interface that should be banned and illegalized. see this technoligie I got into as an art of warfair in self defence and offence also. they threatend me and my wife for years so now you know why whips need to be found and banned and some people may know too much about it so it becomes a globle terror threat. i have been refused by doctors to find the chip and the parasight. although they threatened me ya i retaliated and some people now have new weaponry if they can not be found in RI or newengland they need to check the east coast and west coast maybe other countrys also. see the fight that started a war in the country could have carryed over to canada or other places and if i got this chip and went down soulth and the cops took off then no one knows who there friends were and who was involved in it all so the technoligie has been here for many years already the problem is no one knows who has it. and the danger it now poses to the nations Alquida could be chipped and no one will know. warfair has changed now and the wireless ability also changed alot also the ability to connect to a wireless router makes it easy to hack into any database and steal anything you want so governments will have no more secrets the smallest state in the USA has changed warfair and the history of the chipped world. and every nation. I have come up with some ways to find the chips useing cell towers and scanners but blocking capabilitys are one problem that sucks so it will be hard to find everyone unless people start to talk and people are picked up quickly the project of makeing this technologie took years but has proven too dangerous. they tryed to kill me many time and i dropped my own defences and allowed them to attack me in ways to gain the evidance they tyed to attack me with the worms and the reason i allowed it was to gain the evidance