All info. can be found on website NOW PUBLIC/CROWD POWERED MEDIA. Top mili. Contractor Lockheed Martin administers em torture MENTICIDE To 1000's of extrajudicially persecuted US citizens, targeted as dissidents or undesirables for reasons of politics and hate........etc and on same site look at us-govt-runs-gangstalking-vigilantism-says-ex-fbi-official. Also,Get political with Vic livingston, veteran journalist.....scroll down to 'scrivener's replies......he states it is black ops that secret societies and illuminati have infiltrated.y....Now doesn't that tie the bow around it, the looking is over for me with the info on this site.
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  • Sheri, it was retalliating against the BBC that caused my being blacklisted and since then I have been attacked in every way by ALL media avenues. They are amoral, cruel and totally.lacking in understanding the harm they inflict not only on the one they consider the target, but on the target's friends and family. One friend of 55 years standing, stopped speaking to me and allowed herself tot die. All my friends have been my recorded conversations being passed to them by the media. I have lost them all. Even abroad I have had trouble with journalists........Yes they are active and involved and have platforms on satellites. One friend, an editor now deceased, told me it was Masonic. It's a mix of govt. Media, military, dentists, doctors and scientists. Especially medical researchers in unis. and hospitals. The journo. I mentioned sounds as if he's in our boat........I am 69 and in my 17th year of abuse. 25years ago I said to my children, be anything but please not's staggering how the media ignores this ttaversty and moreso how the medical profession are commanded to keep silent. One doc. told me to go abroad and another said 'of course they recognise your symptoms, but the public haven't been told'. I am religious and this has been my shield as ihad wi have
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