September 13, 2012 · 22:18

Justice for the 96! Hillsborough & exposing British police corruption!

It’s taken 23 long hard years for the families of the 96 that died at Hillsborough to get a glimpse of justice, 23 long years of successive British governments lying and colluding with a corrupt police force and media, finally yesterday the truth was revealed and the mass cover up exposed.

A couple of years ago I blogged on the ongoing “Justice for the 96″ campaign started by Liverpool Football Club supporters and how Rupert Murdoch’s The Scum newspaper deliberately lied and how that web of lies was upheld by one of Murdoch’s key lieutenants – Kelvin McKenzie.

Today’s front page of The Scum newspaper sadly doesn’t look like the one above, in reality it looks like:

The carefully choreographed words of “deeply ashamed and profoundly sorry” were said by the Prime Minister David Cameron, The Scum editor Dominic Mohan and Norman Bettison Chief Constable of West Yorkshire police.

It’s been proved that there certainly was a conspiracy to ensure that the truth of Hillsborough would be covered up, my original post came well before Rupert Murdoch was shown to have the British political elite in his back pocket.

It’s no conspiracy theory that the “King-Maker” role played by the Zionist Rupert Murdoch owned media has supported successive Labour-Conservative governments in recent decades.

It’s no conspiracy theory to state that Rupert Murdoch has a pervasive and damaging effect on British democracy through his ownership of printed & television media channels.

If it’s not Rupert Murdoch, then it’s his zionist cohort Richard “the pornographer” Desmond who also has an equally troubling choke hold on British mainstream media.

Once in control of the media, the ideological warfare begins. This shows how the right wing zionist media owned by the likes of Rupert Murdoch & Richard Desmond promote the hatred of Muslims and Islam to sell newspapers.

I suppose it would be one conspiracy too many to suggest that Sean Hoare the News Of The World whistle blower was murdered because he knew too much?

I suppose it would be one conspiracy too many to suggest that our British government is the true enemy of free speech and a well and truly free press that is free to criticise?

Hell….you can have a plethora of sex channels on British television, you can even have a gay sex channel on British television and that’s no problem for David Cameron’s media regulator, OFCOM.

You can be Rupert Murdoch at the head of a media corporation which stands accused of rampaging through practically every law in the book and yet you are deemed to be a fit and proper person to operate a television station in London.

But report anything that contravenes the pro war actions of the government run media and there’s hell to pay!

When it comes to events such as Hillsborough, the London Tube bombings, the Lockerbie bombing can we trust the police and justice system?

The Independent newspaper stated the explosives used in the 7/7 bombs ‘was of military origin’

A former Scottish police chief, gave lawyers a signed statement stating that key evidence in the Lockerbie bombing trial was fabricated.

‘The retired officer – of assistant chief constable rank or higher – has testified that the CIA planted the tiny fragment of circuit board crucial in convicting a Libyan for the 1989 mass murder of 270 people.’

Mark Duggan, the Tottenham man who was executed by the police, who’s murder sparked last year’s riots was said to have had a gun, there have been multiple claims against the police during the IPCC investigation for planting a gun at the scene to cover up for their own crime.

In a world that has been flooded by news, there is usually nothing that rises far above the smouldering lava of sensation — that which consumes all truth and absorbs all lies mixing them into a fiery lake or stew of bubbling nonsense. So much so, that to discover glanced over facts, to question people of importance within government or the machine itself leads to the branding of one as a “conspiracy theorist.”

Not all people who doubt the official version of the story are raving lunatics. Some, like myself, have an honest distrust of their own government.

This is the legacy left by lying politicians and an untrustworthy media machine.

Always question.

my heart goes out to the families and the liverpool fans as they were originally the scape goats in lies and corruption!

best wishes and love lots


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