[The facts] are so beyond the experience of normal man and range of man-made phenomena that only the most complete judicial inquriy, and the most exhaustive trial, could verify and confirm them.  Although the principal accusation is murder, [...] the charge of purposeful homicide in this case reaches such fantastic proportions and surpass such credible limits that believability must be bolstered with assurance a hundred times repeated.

...a crime of such unprecedented  brutality and of such inconceivable savagery that the mind rebels against its own thought image and the imagination staggers in the contemplation of a human degradation beyond the language to adequately protray.  The number of deaths resulting from the activities with which these defendants have been connected and which the prosecution has set at one million is but an abstract number.  One cannot grasp the full cumulative terror of murder one million times repeated.  It is only when this grotesque total is broken down in units capable of mental assimilation that one can understand the monstrousness of the things we are in this trial contemplating.  One must visualize not one million people but only ten persons - men woman and children, perhaps all of one family - falling before the executioner's guns.  If one million is divided by ten, this scene must happen one hundred thousand times, and as one visualizes the reptitious horror, one begins to understand the meaning of the prosecution's words, 'It is with sorrow and with hope that we here disclose the deliberate slaughter of more than a million innocent and defenseless men, women, and children.


     In 2006 President Viktor Yushchenko of the Ukraine hosted a major commemoration of the 65th anniversary of the largest single massacre in the history of the Holocaust.  33,771 Jews were killed in a single operation in September 29-30, 1941 at the grandmother ravine in Kiev the capital of the Ukraine.  Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv, Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau in attendance pointed out that if the world had reacted to the massacre of Babi Yar perhaps the Holocaust might never have happened.


                                " Maybe, say, this Babi Yar was also a test for Hitler.  If on September 29 and September 30, 1941 Babi Yar may happen and the world did not react seriously, dramatically, abnormally, maybe this was a good test for him.  So a few weeks later in January 1942. near Berlin in Wannsee, a convention can be held with a decision, a final solution to the Jewish problem... Maybe if the very action had been a serious one, a dramatic one in September 1941 here in Ukraine, the Wannsee Conference would have come to a different end, maybe."


    So it is in this present time 2012, before, during this commemoration and afterwards men have been using advanced technologies and science to destroy human beings in ways that are inconceivable and so far beyond the imagination of the normal man that the mind rebels against its own thought image.


It is only when you look at the commonality of the testimonies giveen befor the Presidential Commission on the Study of Bio-Ethical Issues and elsewhere, as well, that you begin to sense that what these individuals, including me, are experiencing is a truly evil man made phenomena.  And the only way to verify these evil phenomena is by having a thorough investigation and a complet judicial inquiry and an exhaustive trial.  Without this type of action the perpetrators will only be emboldened and they will continue to harm and destory other human beings.  This present expression of evil, the misue of science and technology, is unpressindented in human history and it will continue to amass victims until stopped.

See justiceforallcitizens.com

Would someone send this blog as an email or a fax to Elizabeth Holtzman, author of "Cheating Justice" .

                                                                                                                                        Michael Benoit


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