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  • Full name, they understand the individual signals of cell phone calls, radios, tvs, computers.....all in big cities and such even though they are congregated together and moving around. They also can pic out individual terrestrial bodies from countless others in space. Picking out an individual's brain signals is not any different in that way.

    It is different to think of the grey matter of the brain as working as a transmitter/receiver, but they have found out how to do this. Anyone is a Target at any time any where.

  • I understand what you are saying, i just find it hard to believe that at present time is possible full two way communication with computer without implant, at leat not when you are mobile, in city, surounded by thousands others. You may be abble to receive informations, prepared for you, they wont get anything back off you.
  • There are implants, and they are used to advance the technology you call non invasive.
    Mind controll can be done without any implant, it just can not be personalized to you to the degree when your mind download and uploat 24\7 in real time anywhere youre on the planet. Even the technology that communicate with an implant can not do that. Too much noise and interference. Thats why they use brain entertainment to keep you busy.
    A scenario:What if they use only non invasive technology on you, you get airplane and you end up on the streets of beijing in several hours, milions of people arround you, do you think they can screw with.your mind in real time.
    They will use the.implant silently and.take several days to find your mind covertly.
    .. i only used beijing as an example remote location, its.just my theory.
  • What is new?  Other peoples brains are already being uploaded onto computers.

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