Thisis long but a must read! It started as a reply to another Seroquelvictim but by the time I was done I realize how far back this reallygoes and it's connection to liability concerns by law enforcement.
This is what I did after what seemedlike a heart attack and two women who weren't my doctors or nurses camein and explained how I was being killed by massive dosing was to beginsecretly and slowly cutting the drug. I was also on other drugs as welland had to get off of them all. this increase in meds and eventualmassive dosing started buy there assistance to stop the real anxietymedicine at the time which was Lorazapam. so my anxiety was be coming ahuge problem in spite of all the drugs they were increasing.
Oneof the first things I did after asking the doctor why I was on so muchmedicine especially Seroqelwas to change doctors after she said she didn't think 1,00 mg or 1,600mg was all that high and had been considering to possiblyraise it to 1,800 mg. Thisdoctor a Dr Mindi Rosenbloom was also on theGovernors board of mental heath and had had me transfered to her care.Up until that time I had been taking the Lorazapam under another Dr buthe had started Seroquel and I think I had been taking 300 mg as I wasbeing transfered to Doctor Rosenblom. There is definitely a politicalaspect to all of this and to be put in her care also moved me out of mytown to the next one over. It seems that this doctor became the headdoctor around when I was transfered and then left when I changeddoctors.
It was a short time into seeing the new doctor who hadactually been the doctor from the other office in my home town that Iadmitted to having cut my meds by a good amount. I wasn't sure who totrust at that time and was feeling him out to see what his intensionswere. so I told him a little at a time and he seemed responsive to myimproving mental state. He suggested that I cutdown slowly andthat I try changing one medicine at a time.
That took a littlelonger but the truth was I was almost of two other meds already. As Iinformed him that I was off them and also told of still having theanxiety he slightly increase the Lorazapam. I later was able to changeto Clonazepam which did the identical job for me but was more acceptableto them. Something about it not impairing me nearly as much over thelong term or having as much of a weakening effect over time that theyfelt occured. All the while my brain is becoming clearer and I ambeginning to see the attack better for what it was. My head was still ina fog I had by then gotten off one medicine that was at 4,800 mg with amax dose of 3600 mg I beleiee and this medicine was for people who hadsesures and was something that I never should have been taking at all.My doctor tried either increasing a depression medicine and may haveeven tried another when he mentioned a medicine thathelped stimulate the frontal lobe of the brain called Bupropion HCL.This as a temporary measure did help me come out of the fog I was in,still it took a while and the effects aren't over come quickely. I amnow even off that medicine as well as Seroquel. I stopped theprescriptions of Seroquel while I continued the decline because tosecretly get off meds in the beginning I had to not expose this to DrRosenbloom who obviously was attempting to kill me. So I had quite thesurplus to do this with.
I later found out that a warning thatthis medicine could cause death in the elderly patients being given thismedicine. So there is a warning on your bottles that this medicine cancause death. I also later found out that Dr. Rosenbloom's area ofexpertise was geriatrics(the elderly) so I believe sh absolutely knewwhat she was doing.
I'm still trying to recover physically andthink I'm close to normal mentallybut the problem with being mentally attacked is if you have beenimpaired you may not be aware of it. Physically has been a much worstproblem that I'm not sure I will ever fully recover from and the effortexerted has been extreme for the gains I have made. When I had found outthat this was the third attempt to kill me I was in bad shape and hadjust gone to the hospital for what seemed like a heart attack with myheart racing at 180 beats per minute. I was week and could barely talkfor hours. I was at the point were I had gained 60 lbs at the worst ofit and even when only 30 or 40 lbs heavier I couldn't stand for morethan seconds without help. I couldn't walk in a store without a carriageto help hold me up. My arms would be straining and my lower back hurtso much that many times I had to stop early and try to make it throughcheck out. I had to get my son to bring in my groceries.
I thinkI actually sat motionless fora number of years in my filthy apartment that became cluttered withtrash. I got moths and would watch then climb the walls up on to theceilings. It was even worst but I'm not going to get into it other than Ihad trouble taking a shower and standing for that long. Even drying offwas extremely difficult. So I began to take showers less and less. Mybody was dying. My feet had turned black and the dead skin on then wasso thick I would claw the dead skin off with my finger nails. they woulddig about an 1/8 of an inch deep. around this time also I found thatthe doctor killing me hadn't been checking my blood and I had nowdeveloped diabetese. so changing doctors had also been good because nowthey discovered this and also my try glycerides where over ten timesabove normal. Both are side effects of Seroquel but what I had also beendoing in my misery was to start drinking heavily. The PTSD from theattacks and the trauma from living through theattempted forced suicide when I was attacked and involuntarilycommitted left me totaled. The forced suicide was hear a senario wheremy attackers sending me V2K in the hospital were pretending to go aftermy family. either by voice cloning of by dubbing in a recording of hercalling for me and crying while the perpetrators threaten her and weretelling me to kill myself by jumping out of the fourth floor window andhanging myself. a call to her in the morning exposed what they had donebut the effects left me unable to talk about it for about five years. Isoon found out that soaking wet towel blocked the the painful part ofthe attack that I now believe was silent MEDUSA where the attack thatput me in the hospital was extremely loud V2K with the same attack modeas LRAD the sound weapon deployed at the Pittsburg G8 Meeting on thecrowd of protesters. I have stopped and started drinking slowly getting ahandle on this. I do think I will get back tonormal and have now had long periods without drinking at all which havehelped a great deal.
At the point of recovery stated earlier iswhen I started to ask for my mental health reacords. at first I wascalled in for a meeting to disswade me but I told them at that time Ihad no pride left and nothing to loose so. Looking at the reacords Ifound that police had had me hospitalized while my home was searched forbomb making materials. I t didn't meantion the suposed MEDUSA attacksor the forced suicide. The doctor over drugging me kept meantioning thatI still beleived the dilusion that I had been under surveillance bypolice and had been attacked by a "Radiation Weapon of some type". As Iread other statements of police informing them how I hadn't gone to apsychiatrist after leaving the hospital as they had arranged it becameclear that I was under surveillance by police. Police had even come tomy home at one point to talkto me to, "make sure that I wasn't a danger to myself of to thers". Atthe time even after all other police had done to me I told them, "do youwant to see what I'm all about", and showed them my koi pond, giantsequoias , bamnoo and such. It was obvious that all police weren't awareof what had been happening to me, Another thing I remebered when afterthis talk with police was them saying East Bay mental health would becontacting me if it OK with me, that they could help with medicationssince I had been out of work with carpel tunnel syndrome. When I went tothe first meeting The woman I spoke to had a black board with the nameRobert souza next to my name. He had been the officer showing up whenthe perp tenant and surveillance people had moved into my second floorapartment. Officer Souza had also been involved in the staged roadblock, failed attack and falsearrest at the towing garage at the topof the street. As I thought about this guyeven more I realized he had done this to me when I had been 18 when acar load of kids pulled over and got out and were accosting a friendafter we had just split up to walk a separate way home. I had run backto chase this gang of kids away when I saw this same cop in the distanceand he drove over and began to accuse us of coming from behind aninsurance building and then arrested us when he found pot on my friend.These attacks all go back to when police were doing this stuff when Iwas fifteen and one cop got fired because two cops had tried to jump meand drag me behind a building for a beating after committing similarattacks on two friends. The next night the attacked the hole group ofthen which turned into a brawl and they were all arrested. In court thejudge through the whole thing out threatening kids and police if he sawthem in his court room again.
The funny thing is one kid, thefirst who was beaten badly withmultiple shaved patches in his head and with stitches all over frombilly club hits from police when his mother had called them because heand his brother were in a fight started hearing voices and lost hismind. He is drugged up and disabled still to this day and this happened36 years ago. There is a great deal of military and weaponsmanufacturing around where I live and the Navy war college is in mycongressional district, the east side of Rhode Island. they are inNewport Rhode Island.
The mother of the badly beaten teen hadfiled a complaint when he began hearing voices and became mentallyunstable. His brother was then picked up and brought to the station andbeaten while hand cuffed. The police said they had learned their lessonwith his brother and beat him with telephone books eventually kneeinghim in the balls and putting him crashing through a window. They thencharged him with breaking public property. Thefather of another teen had gotten a lawyer to defend his 14 year oldson from these charges had died not to long after of a massive heartattack at the young age of 45. He had been a good man and playedthepiano for the church down the road.
I think I am finallyunderstanding that 36 years ago this was happening and possibly was thebeginning of the use of directed energy weapons on unsuspecting victims,mere children at the time all in the name of liability containmentwhich is the main reason for the development of non-lethal weapons aswritten is an early 1990's Justice department writing.
My laterattacks started when I was getting divorced and my x-wive's family knewpolice. This is how far the actually goes back. It is only all comingtogether now as I recover day afterday.
Peter Rosenholm