These I think are some truths that took a long timeand a lot of pain to learn. For the DEK committee (Decency and EthicalKontent for those not on mcforums) ;-) I will state that this is only myobservation and conclusions that I have come to, no one has to agree.
We in America live in a Disneyland kind of world. We are sonaive but it makes us as gullible as hell. This does make for happyslaves and in America we have the Happiest fattest slaves around whowork their asses off. All by design.
Most believe we have themost noble ethics with our treasured constitution. The reality is whilewe have been working so hard we, both husbands and wives have letothers like the news media, Hollywood and government schools controlwhat our kids learn and set their beliefs, values,likes and dislikes. SomeI've seen home-schooltheir kids, limit TV and they are better educated and more grounded.
This is not to say this is the worst thing if you go along and youcan home school your kids and make up your own mind. If you do make upyour own mind, make waves and become a threat to those in power then youmay end up destroyed by covert means or even overt means now as in ourcase. I don't think the rest of the world is any better. Remember thathistory is written by the victor, not so much by you and I. We probablyhave more chance of making a difference in this country as any other butif you aren't wise and careful you will easily be taken out.
Governor Mark Spitzer is and example. He was making waves in the richman's play ground, the stock market, with regulations. He was alsofeeling powerful and omnipotent when the 19 year oldprostitute payments were, "accidentally", found by the FBI and he wastaken down.
His successor Pattersonimmediately confessedall of his sins. He disclosed the affair he had beenhaving because he had learned we have no secrets from the powers at be.He was going to run again and announced his bid for reelection but somenew scandal surfaced and he has dropped out. The candidateelected will likely be sanctioned if you will. We will have a number ofchoices all most likely sanctioned and they will vote as ordered.
Ithink there is a lot of negotiation going on with deals, money, favorsand compromises being made all the time. But some agendas are long termlike this "War on Terror", or "War of Terror", how ever you see it.
Jesse Ventura on his first day as governor was asked to go down intothe basement to speak with the CIA. They started asking him questionsand he said the CIA isn't supposed to work within our borders by law. Heasked each of them what their names were and what they did? Only abouthalf would answer him. He was perplexed at what they were asking him,they they wanted to know how he got elected? I think this means thatthey were upset that their mandidn't get elected or they were trying to find out how to do itthemselves. He also said that each one of them looked like and ordinaryperson. This I believe is the secret army and one of the groups who mayhave us under surveillance by using covert or overt means through (OS)organized stalking or (EH) electronic harassment. Other groups would bethe FBI, the police, the military Inteligence and the secret service.
These groups all actually work together under (HLS) Home land securityat Fusion Centers where they collect intelligence, do these overt andcovert surveillance operations. They even take people out making themlook like suicides or accidents. Before 911 these fusion centers werealso in existence under the (JTTF) Joint terrorism task force.
The FISA laws through the FISC (Foreign Intelligence Security Court) hassecret trials and approves these operations. This was initially meantto watchforeign spies but turned to add domestic targets as well. As of 2004 orso there had been around 20,000 cases approved of rewritten andapproved. So every request had been approved to what degree I don't knowbecause the court is secret.
It was during the Bush/Cheneyadministration that they stopped going to the court and started handingout those Justice department letters to silence neighbors and coworkerswith fines and imprisonment if they disclosed what they knew. These weresupposedly stopped. One FISC Judge also quit in protestwhen targets started being approved without going through the court.
These lower level operatives come from many other groups, Jesse Venturaexposed the Infra-guard. These were people working in utility companieslike power and communications etc. considered essential in case of anemergency like marshal law being declared. On Jesse's show it was saidthat marshal lawis coming and thatthese people will be able to use deadly force when this time comes.Jesse also proved that these people are given top secret information. ASenator from California declared a terror threat or something only byfinding out about it from is brother in the Infra-guard. I also thinkthis army of civilians included many other groups with power likeChurches, the Mason's, citizen watch groups, organized crime groups andothers. The control of this society is complete and has a standingcovert civilian army. The patriot act and other laws have made much ofthis legal and we all know the medical community has been controlled aswell. I have found that I was accused of bombe making and hospitaized bypolice while my home was searched in my medical records. My records aswell as what I say are being recorded and sent to the Federal governmentevery time I go to the doctor. I don't know if this is for everybodybut it is for me. I don't believe my doctor has a choice. I even gotbilled for it.
The level of surveillance through technology iscomplete whether it is cell phones, telecommunications, medical,active or passive millimeter wave or chipping individuals. Big brotheris here.
It is obvious that crime could be ended at this pointwith this technology but maybe they are now taxed and allowed to operateas Charles Schlund was saying as a former FBI agent before he diedrecently. I do see the problem of arming Colombian drug lordswith massive amounts of wealth as well as the Afghan opium/heroinsupply. We have a presence in both countries at the moment and the drugcompanies are making huge profits and paying taxes.
The brotherof Karzi (the leader of Afghanistan) has been shown to be to main druglord in that country and has been being paid for the last 7 or so yearsby our CIA as reported on CNN. Money does drive everything today eventhe courts.
To fight a court case as a TI it is near impossiblewith the costs connected, so even though I think the courts are stillbasically working the averageperson doesn't have the wealth to use them. This is a place for therich and powerful to use there money to out spend and destroy those theysee fit. Lawyers have told me that to go up against the police or thegovernment is impossible because they have lawyers on retainer andnearly unlimited resources. For better or worst this is the world we areliving in.
I think the perps, agents, contractor working on usare controlled like everybody else. I don't hold them accountable thisis ordered way above their heads although some sadistic tendencies mustbe exercised with this much power over other people.
Even all ofthe public officials are jumping ship right now by leaving office asthis country is going down. I fear the military might may fully beunleashed and we will have a completely controled world if it isn't thecase already. Covertly done of course and Disney land will stayopen.
Peter Rosenholm