£764 Controlling the mind, time, wealth, information and laws in aTotalitarian Democracy

The the question of who is directingthe work that you are doing comes to mind and why? You then see how youare only allowed to work on such a small piece of what is going on. Thetrue picture is much bigger and evolving over time. Knowing all, or thetruth, is being kept from you. What is said publicly is misleading,misdirecting, untruths and manipulation of the public consciousness.
You are working all day every day for money. Those controlling everyone's lives control the money. You think you are free but you are not,who is free who has to eat. .....maybe in the next life.
Weproduce vastly more wealth and food than what we need yet we go thoughour life working endlessly. It make the wealthy and powerful morewealthy and powerful. Yet it leaves us with little insight in thedirection our lives are taking. What good is our vote if it ismisinformed. What good are our elected officials if they do not vote inour interest. This is a totalitarian democracy. We should not be votingfor a representative to vote for us who actually votes for others, weshould be making our own informed dicisions. How can people accomplishthis when husbands and wives are working all the time to feed themselvesand their children.
Surly we should have councils of the bestand brightest of us researching every decision and theelected official should give the vote aproved by the group consensus forthe good of everyone.

Peter Rosenholm
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