£776 Obama knows this isn't perfect yet he isn't jaded..."Ted Kennedy"

This is about TIs not politics so read on. It is more about the dualityof government and our plight as TIs.
I heard this when Ted wasstomping for Obama's election. Obama knows this isn't perfect yet heisn't jaded..."Ted Kennedy" It struck me at the time that this systemhas it's problems. As a TI I know the crimes that have been committedagainst you and I. Maybe though we should take this reasoning andattempt to work the system. We need numbers to do this and money. Radioand TV eventually will be the only way to restore our freedom.
Along the way we do have the opportunity to discuss and researchmatters. Many of us have been held done by one segment of government andthe other side put us on SSDIgiving us this freedom. A freedom most people who work non-stop willnever have.
I know that being a TI sucks but at this point many ofus are finally understanding how this country and the world reallyworks. I hate being tortured and I especially hate when they try to killme. The worst might be the forced suicide attempt using the love for mydaughter to kill me or maybe the massive dosing of Seroquel that trulytook me out of the picture for years and of which I still haven't fullyrecovered from physically yet and I may never. I got diabetes from theshit but I have to remember the two women who came into my hospital roomto tell me that I was being killed by massive overdosing of this drug.
Again there is that duality in government, I would be dead by nowwithout it as would most of you I'll bet. The truth is I feel blessedeven if I died tomorrow. I played the game I got beatendown and yet I amstill here and I know a little more for it. I wonder how many of youTIs out there have felt you have been blessed in spite of everything?Would you really choose to go back to living that sheltered naiveexistence. This is what freedom is it can be brutal to say the least butat least our eyes are open.
Obama won his election bydiscounting the votes of his competitors. If good is to win we have tothink like this. There are a set of rules they can be used and in somecases they can be bent or twisted.
Someone told me that people disabled can ride the buses for free? Is this true? If so it may be a wayfor TIs to meet or for a homeless TI to get help. Charity Ann told methat there is an unspoken rule that if you go broke and homeless the buslines will give you a ride to anywhere you need to go free...........one time. I have to find out if this is true. It could well save a TI'sass.
I've also mentioned before how with a lap top we can tapinto other Internet service. I think Starbucks has this as well as theLibraries. You can just sit in the parking lot. the library has theadded privacy because they fought and won against Home Land Security onkeeping there patrons information private. There is that duality again Isuppose.
We need to think out of the box and become creative.

Peter Rosenholm
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