The method ofrequiring degrees and certificates has also lead us to where it takesmoney to make it through a program and it is easy to target a studentand make the program difficult. Expensive private schools are paid toget students degrees while public schools are far more difficult for thesame program. These schools also change the books so regularly at over ahundred dollars apiece in some cases that it is a corrupt business.Parking is made none existent and cars are ticketed and towed regularly.Look at the enrollment to graduation rates between private and publicschools.Schools in my area have been found to pressure teachersto give certain kids higher grades and it has been on the news. All ofthe government jobs in mytown and possible state require,"knowing someone", to get the job. Ifyou are a public servant because you happen to know someone then you cantake advantage of a law that allows you student loans to be forgiven inhalf the time as commoners than if you know someone and get a jobbecause you are politically connected.
Schools are forcingintelligent students to quit school through harassment. After mytargeting my two youngest children where targeted and both quit schoolwith very high IQ's and one was in the gifted program. One Iwas told was going to be kept back by his English teacher even thoughhe had the highest average in class. I was being targeted and he was aswell I believe while living with me after a divorce. He wasn't doing hishome work at home so she was going to fail him and make him stay back.
He quit school and joined the army national guard after taking his GED.He is now aboutto graduate with a bachelors degree in Computer gametheory and programming.
My daughter who also quit and was in thegifted program didn't take her finals in algebra andchemistry. Her teachers still passed her because her averages were sohigh. She has worked ever since. Took her GED and went to college and isabout to enter a sonogram program. They are over coming my town's success control program despite my and their targeting.
Studentsare rewarded for jumping through hoops it is more desirable that they dowhat they are told no matter what than that they actually think forthemselves. Not that both qualities aren't good.
Now that I havespoken out about police having the ability to target people as well asmake tickets and arrests disappear both my oldest son and cousin haverecently been ticketed for about a thousand dollars each. My son waspulled out of traffic driving at 65 miles an hour on the highway twice,
After making this post about police targeting my girlfriend living1,100 miles away called me to tell me she was being pulled over for thefirst time in thirty years. 10 to 15 minutes after my post.
Theseare easy to see targeting methods and the selective education and jobsituation in government jobs and schools are, "barriers to entry", to aneducation and job opportunities.
Peter Rosenholm