£788a The Games Perps Play

£788a The Games Perps Play

Taking pictures and putting up an X10 cameraa attached to your VCRfor recoeding can be of benifit and amusing, along with just takingpictures.
The pictures are cool and bring backmemories. Someone attempted to get the house builder next door and I inconflict as part of their sick game. One thing they did was someone defecated in the basement of a house that was being built next doorand who ever did it or was made to do it smeared it on the walls. Itold this builder no way would I ever do something so sick.
Before this though they had gotten in this builders head and police keptme back while this builder cut down my fence and all the branches offof my blue ornamental Lebanese Cedar tree. They actually threatened mewith pepper spay when I attempted to walk over and stop the destructionof my fence. They even cut my gate in half that was completely insidethe fence on my boarder.
I went and got my camera and when Iwalked out onto my second floor deck the five cops ran for cover behindmy house. I have the slowest one in a picture. I have some of thepictures posted on this forum I believe. It isn't much but I laugh when Isee it knowing the whole story. Police camped out for two weeksprobably under the guise of protecting this builder from me when it wasmost likely we were both being screwed with. Later I heard a councilmanwas trying to buy one of the three houses this builder was putting up.My block abuts the new bike trail that had been built and had become adesirable location. A neighbor who was disgusted with the 3 or fourpolice cars there every day as were all my neighbors told me thecouncilman was trying to get the builder to sell him one with hard woodfloors and didn't want to pay for them. Luckily the builder didn't goalong with, "His protectors". ;-) Maybe they figured if they could putthe builder and I in conflict they might either get a new house withhard wood floors for cheap, me arrested, or they would drive me out andtake mine for cheap since my house was relatively new, bigger, with thelargest lot and on a corner lot. They got neither.
Later the newneighbor put up a new fence so the tactic of peaceful protest andletting some things go just works out. I swear God just covers my ass nomatter what. The Blue Atlas Cedar has grown back fine too.
Iwas told secretly by someone that if I tried to stop the builder fromcutting down my fence his two brothers were going to say they over heardme threaten his life and I would have been arrested. This is what canhappen if we allow our selves to be manipulated, intimidated and played.
There was a majority of two x-police who were town council members andone who was the father of a police officer who later became the chief ofpolice. I think it's a bad idea for x-town employees to serve aselected officials after thinking about this in hind sight.

Peter Rosenholm
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