£789 just thinking out loud...........

£789 just thinking out loud...........

It is chain of commandand corrupt government with powerful covert directed energy weapons.These people are following orders. The more insane orders they followthe more they see that the rich and powerful do what ever they want.They become disheartened and disturbed by it and then wonder why can't Ijust do whatever I want?
Then a hailing devise like V2K is givento them to coordinate surveillance operations and to give orders anddirection to operatives, law enforcement and civilian counterparts.Millimeter wave surveillance is also given to law enforcement to surveil criminals, drug dealers, a couple making love and who knows whatelse........ They can see where the drug dealer hides hismoney......... They can question someone in there sleep and probe theirmind by monitoring there breathing and heart rate and can even see ifthey start to sweat and become nervous.
They begin to learneveryone's secrets. Secrets of people who don't even know they are beingseen in everything they do, everything they say and everything theydream.
These advanced surveillance tools are left overs fromthe cold war I think with more and better weapons being made all thetime. A lot of money is being made for the military industrial complex.People are taken out of office and people are being put into office.This is a new kind of war with no name and better yet people don'trealize they are in a war or that they are living in a war zone.
Battle injuries are from torture, mood altering, sleepfulness andsleeplessness, lack of energy, anxiety, subliminal hypnotic suggestion,dream manipulation, harassment by groups, harassment by V2K with mostbecoming hyper-vigilant from PTSD. Casualties are from suicide, forcedsuicide with V2K, suicidal and murderous out bursts against unknowingvictims caused by all the above mentioned with voice cloning to pointthe suicidal/murderous torture victim in a direction of the torturerschoosing. This justifies more covert energy weapons and surveillance,more laws encroaching on our freedoms and the Constitution, moresecurity and law enforcement. The army is growing ever larger and morepowerful.
Most don't even know they are under attack, don'tknow why their marriage is breaking up, why they are having trouble atwork, can't sleep and are having crazy dreams and have no energy. Stillwe can become hardened to all of this and live something of a life.
Even when we survive torture, PTSD and suicide there is alwaysbeing driven into poverty, poor health care, mistrust of others, beingdrugged and mistrust of the medical profession. Then the question comesto mind............how much radiation can the mind and body take beforethe immune system weakens and we succumb to some disease or cancer. Thisis a slow kill, a very slow torturous kill.
just thinking outloud.................

Peter Rosenholm
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