£813 Purpose of these forums???

£813 Purpose of these forums???

Can I get all TIs to actually discuss the likeley hood that what Ihave written below is the truth of our situation?

If we are actually discussing this now then I would suggest insteadof trying to convince law enforcement and government as our protector weconfront that it is our own government doing this to us and it may belegal surveillance using non and less-than lethal weapons.
To back this up it has been police in my case doing the stalking andharassment. I have had two calls with the NIJ (National Institute ofJustice that tests and approves non-lethal weapons) on how non-lethalweapons are being used to kill and torture people one call being aconference call by them to me. Law enforcement has a private courtcalled the FISC under the FISA act. The accused aren't represented andall it takes is accusation by law enforcement to put someone under anabusive surveillance program. Law enforcement also uses criminalinformants to work for them in exchange for reduced and eliminated jailtime. This explains the perps as well as neighborhood watch groups.Infra guard set up by the FBI explains work place mobbing under theguise of intelligence gathering in the work place.
I have also tried to expose a staged road block failed attack byanother TI abused by police who claimed I was filing complaints againstthis towing garage and have criminally fabricated police complaintswritten by police in my name. Police showed up after this failed attemptand falsely arrested me. This also fell apart once the owner of thegarage and I talked and they told me what police had been accusing meof.
They later moved a surveillance team into the second floorapartment I rented. the goal is to pull a hoover black mail and dig upany dirt on me but there was none so the full out OS and EH began eventhough the covert attacks went back many years earlier.
By my continuing to attempt to prove the false arrest andharassment by police I got attacked by what now seems to be MEDUSAcomplete with V2K abilities and with the same exact loud attack mode asLRAD both weapons being developed by the Navy. With the naval warcollege in my same congressional district. This lead to be beinghospitalized and involuntarily committed where I was subject to anattempted forced suicide attack having to here my daughter calling forhelp(voice cloning) while my attacker played theater that they hadkidnapped her and were harming her while telling me to jump out thewindow and to hang myself to save her. All while enduring directedenergy weapons assault with weapons of which Medusa in silent modeseemed to be the main weapon attacking my nervous system.
Later investigation into my mental records exposed police had hadme hospitalized while they searched my home for bomb making materials.This record is in photos in this group.
This is the abuse of the FISA laws which have been the beginningand justification for warrantless wire taping, abusive Justicedepartment letters and the patriot act. The goal is liability protectionfor government and law enforcement corruption. This is why TI aremainly decent people. They couldn't dig up dirt on us so they needed anabusive surveillance program with all the most advanced weapons andequipment to combat the foreign spies this law was originally meant togo after.
Eleanor's cartoons can be good examples of what is happening to TIsbut without ever acknowledging it is law enforcement, CIA, FBI,military Intelligence, criminal informants and civilian intelligencegathering. All are members of the fusion center run by the JTTF(jointerrorism task force) pre 911 and later by (HLS) Home Land Securityafter 911.
The cartoons also have a charracter, "Peter", the perp. She doesn'tlike to be disagreed with. ;-)
If we are going to speak openly and honestly this is what Ibelieve to be taking place. this also explains why of the hundreds ifnot thousands of TIs who try to file complaints with authorities thebest they can expect is to be falsely arrested, locked in a mentalhospital or given deadly and incapacitating psychotic drugs.
this is our reality and the state of our nation. It also explainswhy moving across the country or even abroad does nothing to end ourattacks. Eleanor will never put this on her web site, nor the case ofcell phone stalking with a conviction called the Sheri Peak case. Shewill not state that these are military and law enforcement weapons even.Look at the description and goals of this group and ask why she ignoresthese facts. The 5 or 10 percent of the information that would put thisall together and explain that even an honest cop or FBI agent can'tcomment or interfere with an on going FISA investigation.
Of course this falls under national security and anyone working forthe government wouldn't be able to respond about, "National SecuritySecrets", including directed energy weapons, or the abusive,"Surveillance Investigations", legally ordered in the FISA court(FISC). A court where the accused can't face their accuser nor can theydefend against accusations against them nor can they defend againstthese covert directed energy weapons. This is what we should bediscussing.

Peter Rosenholm
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  • Sure sharron you can contact me privately. Peter
  • Peter, the evil knows it cannot live according to laws of nature. This is why they use symbols and offer slanted spinning un truths, so that they 'feel' they are living in truth, even though it is not truth. I have been much of what you describe. I go through extreme tortures too. Yet I wish to email you off of a public forum, is that ok for you? I dont know if this message is public but thy can hack in anyway, prob they watch this site regularly. I am pleased to notice another voice of reason. I felt maybe everyone is a agent, or why is no one trying to 'deal' survive cope... it is unnatural and statistically not probable for us all to be victims and not even try to become safer in this atrocity.
  • I'm with you Goscott. Three attempt on my life so far. I think God expects me to think things through. I also believe they will use this technology and these weapon to create a false God. Maybe project blue Beam. I'm not sure. I'm beginning to think that the religious cults were CIA experiments like the many others like MK-Ultra.
    I can't deny we have been made and DNA is our programming. The programming for all life. It may well be time for our maker. I welcome an age of truth and spiritual awakening. There will be some untrue and unreal Gods, religions and cults at first I think. We will see what we will see. Peter
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