Thanks for putting these videos up Julianne.
The USSR overthrough the "Dictatorship of the Proletariat" to replace it with adictatorship by the Communist party members. It seems in our country,our public servants are becoming the elite during thisintermediate phase of Automated control. Ruling over us with an ironfist. At the same time their numbers are dropping. The economy iscrashing andincreasingly honest government jobs are being eliminated and outsourced to private companies. In the end the remaining governmentemployees will be only those in control. Only a very few will be left inthe end.
I just saw a corporate video from a UK company sayingadvanced technology like I-phones are being wasted and treated like toysby the public. This company was showing how the "Blackwell Briggs Corp"can use this technology to track the public, use facial recognition toIdentify people. They then show text appearing with everything on thisguy and a vector from each camera as it follows him and to the next one.In the end they show how there private security then apprehends thetargeted individual. They are promoting the corporate take over of lawenforcement with the latest of technology. Soon those attacking us withOS and EH will be pushed into the pit with us. Most of it like thecompany showed will beautomated and in the hands of private contractors like Blackwater nowcalled Xe. Doesn't "Xe" symbolically look like "X" out the enemy(I guessthat would be us).
They are out sourcing our jobs and ourrights and freedoms. The woman who leaked these videos has now gonemissing. You have to watch these both TIs and non-TIs alike.
Thosewho have watched our jobs outsourced and thinkthey are on top should look at the next phase here in the videos. In aNew York Times article the CIA was upset because Intelligence was beingoutsourced to private companies. When one or two corporations runeverything and we all work for minimum wage that is a dictatorship whereeveryone is controlled by wages and they will own the company store.
Freedom is diversity where no one groups our alliance of groupscontrols everything.
CFG spokeswoman Ann Marie Calhoun missing aftercontroversial video leak
Peter Rosenholm