£832 Get 1/2 the people to subjugate the other 1/2 on and on

Listen to this, after reading post £831 it appears that the powerbrokers are pitting man against man to subjugate each other until we areall controlled, our population decreased, living on the bear minimum,working to a brake neck pace so we die early and allow maximumprofits.....For Who?
It seems The US has subjugatedthe world to where most of these people live in poverty with nofreedoms or rights. Now it seems with the world under control we whohave lived a rich and free life are seeing the beginning of dividingus so one segment of the population is crushed as our jobs leave toslave laborers in Asia.Law enforcement and government workers see themselves on top but the arenext as the video in post £831 shows.
Us TIs are thebeginning of the control of humans through automation. We walk around I believe as sensors. We are neurally monitored or live withRemote Neural Monitoring of our brains. What we see is seen and what wethink subvocally is also known and we can be communicatedwith artificial telepathy or V2K. we also receive subconscsious instructionsand if we were completely controlled they would be by both consciousand subconscious Instructions by V2K. I see both happening to TIs. Weare being made into sensors and parts of a control system. You can callall this speculation but I don't need a documented demonstration tounderstand the ways in which I'm being screwed with and the possiblereasons for doing this. at the same time keeping this from the publicand the world. I am likely off on some aspects but the purpose is to seethe big picture.
This is like the automated manufacturing I'veseen.Sensors monitor the production of a product with as little or no humanparticipation. So what happens whenwe are not needed anymore. We would then just be competing for limitedresources, sucking up the controllers air, water and raw materials.Polluting their earth and oceans.
Police, the FBI and medicalprofessionals ignore us and aren't seeing the whole picture of what ishappening and that their jobs will also be automated as shown in thepost £831 video by Blackwell and Brigs Corp. These people who areignoring us now will be us soon enough. 1/2 the population on top at themoment subjugates the other half at a rate of 3 percen at atime. A small rate so the population deals with it gradually anddoesn't see their own demise coming. Three percent, just like the CIAdetermined as the percentage of the population that can be killedwithout overly upsetting the rest of the population because it isn'ttheir problem.
The government has been corrupted and they arebeing controlled eitherthrough payoffs or by surveillance digging up illegal orimmoralactivities. They are controlled. Law enforcement is doing the dirtdigging with surveillance and yet we see Blackwell and Briggs in aposition to take over the work of law enforcement as this orchestratedfinancial collapse forces cities, towns, states and the entire countryto look for cheaper costs through out sourcing. Private companies don'thave retirement that alone would make them more competative. Those subjugatingus TIs will soon find themselves being replaced and subjugatedwith the desire for non-human automation the ultimate goal.
Ifwe cared for the welfare of others they couldn't divide and conquer.They couldn't eliminate the three percent. Our birth rate is atabout 1.3 births for the US, Europe,china and Japan. Our numbers arealready decreasing. Maybe that is necessary and a humane way to stabilizeour population but we should have a say. The forced suicide andcancerthrough directed energy weapons and harmful drugging to death of theelderly and infirm is inhumane. Biologicaldestruction of people and our food sources isalso inhumane. All these methods are cruel, illegal and covert withmany being slow kills covertly done.
The 1.3 birth rate isinhumane also because it is a result of couples struggling so hard thathaving a family is becoming increasingly difficult. This also is leavinga disaster coming because there won't be enough young people to supportthe aging population. The housing crash followed by the stock marketcrash has also lessened and depleted the retirement of the agingpopulation. Just maybe all by design.
The people keeping us fromexposing the truth about our attacks and not allowing the medicalinstruments to reveal the effects and instruments of mind control aredestroying the truth and their own future heirs because they feel theyare on top momentarily they are not thinking long term.. If they and lawenforcement as well as the military don't wake up to this truth we areallscrewed.
As we speak we may all be being infected with microparticles if you read my post £68 a military writing on how to controlpopulations and armies. This could be being done through chemtrails oradditives in our food. Drugs would be a ways to target only certainindividuals or groups.

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