£836a remote feed back responses to V2K

£836a remote feed back responses to V2K

The problemis that I mention passive and active millimeter wavesurveillance. I'm not sure everybody understands the difference. Theyare twodifferent things passive emanates from our bodies so youare not going to detect incoming energies. At the same time I'm sure itis limited in range and capabilities to active millimeter wave.One other problem is where millimeter wave is. It is so close toinfra red. That is a component of what Jimmy is saying about Infraredbeing used on your group. If you look at the link I put upthat mentions millimeter wave it says at the bottom.

Lie Detection using Infrared
Scientists have developed aninstantlie detector technique which picks up mini hot flushes around the eyesand could lead to truth tests becoming standard at airport check-ins,thejournal Nature reported today.

Infrared again is emitted fromthe body or can be projected. I would have to guess the, "mini hotflushes", are do to increased blood flow", while at the sametimemillimeter wave is detecting breathing and heart rates. Another articlealso pointed out that millimeter wave can detect the suddenperspiration in connection with lie detection. Thisarticle also measured the sweatglands themselves and found that theywere in the shape of a cork screw and went on to say that just by thesize and turns it was easy to determine the frequency the thiscoil...this sensor of ours, our sweat glands would pick up. they foundthat these coils would pick up millimeter wave frequencies. what acoincidence don't you think?
In another debate with a TI theywere telling me that millimeter wave is also in the range of the activedenial weapon so how couldit be used to surveillance us when it would surely burnus. It was then that another TI from the group pointed out the over lapas I had found the same thing while trying to understand thisconfusion.
So do a google search for the words ......millimeterwave wave length MHz
......and cache this search to highlite thesewords.
Then consider when the ADS weapon was announced on CNN Icalled the military base they mentioned and asked to speak with someoneconcerning the ADS weapon on CNN. So they gave me over to a microwavescientist developing the weapon. I told him about my attacks and theV2K. He told me a lot of work is being done in the millimeter to 1.5millimeter range and to look up the attack on our embassy in Moscow toget started.
Then there are so many other factor like powerdensity, wave form, pulsed and modulated waves. Simultaneous waves sentinverted to each other to cancel them until they impactsomething like LRAD does. For me much of this is coming together. Don'tkeep telling me to dismiss microwave andmillimeter wave weapons and technology when everything points to thisarea of energies and frequencies.
Eleanor and I have been having adebate about .... GWEN towers being involved in (RNM) remote neuralmonitoring in a debate over Implants. It so happens that medicalmonitoring runs at about 100 to 210/216 MHz.
.........and imergencycommunication like
....216 — 225MHzLow-power health care, law enforcement tracking,maritime communications,radar,amateur radio (222-225 MHz)......
This frequency around 200 MHz that also penetratesflesh(water) while microwaves don't.
Roman,Times""> Where they don'tpenetrate flesh/water........ water is heated as in a microwave ovenand where these frequencies so easily pass through walls and otherobjects. So the medical monitoring band is 100 MHZ to 210/2i6 MHz and GWEN towers run at about 225 MHz andup to where ever. This is to close of a gap to ignore with ....216 — 225 MHzLow-power health care, law enforcement tracking,maritime communications,radar,amateur radio (222-225 MHz)......between the ranges it is time to puton our,"Mr wizard hats", and figure this out. flesh penetration,thru-wall Infrared and microwave communications That are all to closein frequency in some applications to ignore. I don't have all theanswers so help me figure this out fellow TIs.
There is feedback and we are monitored.

Ground Wave Emergency Network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The UHF antenna operated at 20 watts, between 225 and 400 megahertz (MHz).The GWEN transmitter sites include: A 299-foot broadcastantenna tower ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ground_Wave_Emergency_Network- Cached- Similar



GWEN was part of the Strategic Modernization Program designed to upgrade the nation's strategic communication system, therebystrengthening the value of nuclear theory"">deterrence.The GWEN communication system, established inthe late 1980s, was designed to transmit critical messages (i.e. Emergency Action Messages (EAMs)) to United States nuclearforces. EMP, over a large area, can produce asudden surge"">power surgethat would overload unprotected electronicequipment and render it inoperable. In addition, EMP would interfere with transmissionsthat use the ionosphere for propagation. GWEN would use aground-hugging wave for propagation, being unaffected by the EMP.[

TheInstitute for Telecommunication Sciences (ITS)

83-139,Daniel H. Cronin and Leslie A. Berry, The Effect of Bandwidthand .... 81-85, F. Matos, Spectrum Resource Assessment in the216-225 MHz Band, Sep. ...
www.its.bldrdoc.gov/pub/all_pubs/all_pubs.php- Cached- Similar

216 — 225MHzLow-power health care, law enforcement tracking,maritime communications,radar,amateur radio (222-225 MHz)......

NationMaster- Encyclopedia: Remote Neural Monitoring

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by TS Data - Relatedarticles
Sep 15, 2008 ... Remote Neural Monitoringis a form of functionalneuroimaging, claimed ... a techniqueusing the transmission of 100 and 210 MHz signals to ...

Peter Rosenholm
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