It was like they were saying here, you can gowe are going to let you go free. That's right we are going to spare youanymore pain. Walking out of that concentration camp and never speakingabout it amounts to being complicit in the horrors taking place. Theymight as well have put an SSuniform on me. I might point out how the camps were put in othercountries to keep it from their population and get around local laws
Of course you still could never believe a word ofwhat is told to you and all we actually have for communication is coverttorture or relief of torture. Maybe
they want to teach us to besubservient, submissive and compliant. A no hands approach, Just coverttorture so the population doesn't catch on. At the same time they areexpanding the definition for psychiatric disorders while using V2K andsupportive covert weapons to augment the microwave hearing effect. Theyare doing the same at the pharmaceutical side developing drugs to alsomake people more compliant, weak and submissive. Are we making your lifesuck? Are you depressed then there must be something wrong with you. Insome cases these drugs(Chemtrails or food additives) can infect thebody with micro particles that will enhance directed energyweapons(DEW's) or remote neural monitoring(RNM). Implants have beenfound and the medical field seems to have been compromised ignoringthere oath, "To do no harm". This is an attack on the public at everylevel imaginable.
What is being done
covertly to us nowwill be done to everyone in the future. No one should have this level ofcontrol and power over another human being. We even ask our selves whatcould I have done to deserve this? The answer is that there is nothingany TI could have done to deserve this torture and attempts on ourlives. There is nothing we could have done to compare with what is beingdone to us. They are torturing and killing us. At the very least takingaway the ability to work and earn a living,
placing us ondisability, destroying personal relationships and destroying our liveswith a covert drawn out slow kill. They will even go as far as to attackthose around us and those we love, even our pets.
The goal isto make people afraid to protest a war or our governments actions. Warsthat all now seem to be instigated and started under false pretenses.Rally the people with falseflag operation. Like the Gulf of Tonkin incident. the false testimonyof weapons of massdestruction by one man that sent us into Iraq and possibly even knowing the Japanesewere coming to attack pearl harbor and did nothing so the carnage wouldinsight the Americanpeople to war. The latest airplane bomber had his father pleadingto stop his son who had been radicalized. He went to his government andeven the CIA but they let him go though with it. We would never haveheard a word about this if the plane had been destroyed instead of
his testicles being burned. North woods was another great idea by theCIA to cause bombings and attacks on American soil, killing civilians,police and military to gain the support for a war against Cuba. We came to thebrink of a nuclear warover Cuba and the bay ofPigs and Northwoods may have provoked these tensions.
Because we have not supported these wars and the subjugation of ourrights we are now the target. They are attacking us and then using our
disorientation and confusion in the beginning to say we are unbalancedand then either discrediting us or having us further attacked andhumiliated by involuntarily being committed in a mental hospital. Wherein my case the attacks continued and were the most brutal. while I wasincarcerated in a place where the doctors and attendants thought theywere helping me. such are the capabilities of covert attacks by directedenergy weapons and I had to pretend I wasn't under attack to bereleased. Our attacks are in a sense further false flag events. In theminds of our oppressors people WILL NOT interfere with the goals of thegovernment, or it's corrupt and illegal activities. If they can not digup evidence of criminal activity in the covert surveillance then thesurveillance will go overt, torturous and if necessary murderous. The FISA courts, laws,weapons and allow for this to be legally happening to us while we areunable to defender selves in court or
face the law enforcementmembers accusing us.
This will only become more abusive.Especially when our accuser is also our attacker. It always does whenthis much power is in the hands of those with power. Also all those thathave been killed by a forced suicide can no longer speak up unless wedo it for them and the suicide statistics support us.
V2Kwhether done overt to waking TIs of covert in our sleep or to oursubconscious needs to be exposed. This is the most secret weaponscomponent of this weapons system
supported by, millimeter wavesurveillance, voice cloning, and (RNM) remote neural monitoring, etc..this weapon and an end to secret courts meant to attack foreign spieswith a surveillance program that can kill.
Peter Rosenholm