Learning the Tone Scale

Hi all, i havent come out of the shell much to tell my experiences as a TI, not confident enough yet, and still worried ill offer bad advice (that id be compelled to give) or make dumb self assesments before understanding things better. But wanto make an exception to suggest an interesting read that may be helpful if your a TI

Wasnt paying attention before starting How To Choose Your People by Ruth Minshull, that its directly based on a system created by Ron Hubbard of Scientology, and while i dont respect that person or his 'religion' decided to keep reading cause it was recommended in the same light as another author i do respect (Fritz Springmeier) and Ruth Minshull purports she objectively assessed the system on its own (separate to the religion) and ultimately found it spot on, so if you can break thru barriers of prejudice you might have, could find it a worthwhile read

Its basically about the scale of emotions people have, and how they affect our outlook on life according to how events change them. Whats interesting is itd seem to reflect what the ultimate goal of the perps attacks (at least in my experience) of pushing us into despair, possibly explaining their core methodology, that if understood could then be blocked as far as our responses go, and possibly help restore hope in seeking higher tones, breaking bad cycles.


Updating my impressions after finishing this, turns out the author was an active scientologist after all, and ended up giving a few more 'plugs' than appreciated, but also clearly wrote it as a self contained system, so not actually encouraging people to join, only suggesting their counseling can help people raise their tone faster than doing on their own, but if wanting counseling on the same lines theres now alternatives for that to

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  • Hi Lyn, yep still around and checking out threads every day or so

  • yea Fritz is a good guy. Btw one of the authors personal views which may offend, is that shes strongly anti gay, so if you are gay, might wanto skip her commentaries on that. And fwiw the tone scale isnt a spiritual philosophy, merely about survivability traits corresponding to types of human emotion, it disregards moral strengths or weakness' as a core component of life, but determines top scale people are naturally moral as an incidental side effect

  • Hello Nick, how are you?  Where have you been.?  That's a very good information,  Nick.  That's interesting and quite different topic.  It really happens in real life of the victims.

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