We must have the strongest voice to the people in the world and to the torturers too. " Media release in 20 languages" is this. Now, medias, international human rigts groups, some politicans ,even UN are all standing up for us. We just do some real work and real things and we can stop these crimes.
dear AtlantiTeo
it can be done. you search google, select from LANGUAGE to destination LANGUAGE, then click translate automatically your computer will help you finish translation work as many language as possible.
Please don't be sad. Re. this media release, we have some adives as follows:
1) must be revised and reword 2) Some special words in this media release must be changed to the UN, and UNIDIR. Here is my post on youtube for your reference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3QpbrnCiAQ&feature=channel&... 3) In addition, contact some people you believe they can help you.