They are torturing and murdering us by this. Here are the evidence from World Health Organization, International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection and  victims.



World Health Organization’s conclusion on ELF:


Human laboratory studies have been conducted on the following systems:


1)      Cardiovascular

2)      Brain and behavior

3)      Hormonal and immune systems





It has been reported that under precise circumstances, ELF fields can influence the cardiovascular system, for example, slightly change the heart rate (by  about 3-5 beats/minute)


Nevertheless, no obvious acute or long-term cardiovascular-related hazards have been demonstrated at levels below current exposure standards.



Brian and behavior


Because nervous tissue is sensitive to electrical signal, the brain is a likely site of interaction with ELF filed. Experiments suggest effects can occur:


Modification of brain wave

Changes in response time for complex reasoning tasks

Changes in time perception



Hormonal and immune systems


It has been suggested  that magnetic fields might reduce levels of the hormone melatonin and that this might  explain their relationship with cancer, if one exits.


                                                                                               World Health Organization









PUBLISHED IN: HEALTH PHYSICS 99(6):818‐836; 2010


The responsiveness of electrically excitable nerve and muscle tissue to electric stimuli including those induced by exposure to low-frequency EMFs has been well established for many years (e.g., Reilly 2002; Saunders and Jefferys 2007). Myelinated nerve fibers of the human peripheral nervous system have been estimated to have a minimum threshold value of around 6 V peak m_1 (Reilly 1998, 2002), based on theoretical calculation using a nerve model. However, peripheral nerve stimulation induced during volunteer exposure to the switched gradient magnetic fields of magnetic resonance (MR) systems suggested that the threshold for perception may be as low as about 2 V m_1 (Nyenhuis etal. 2001), based on calculations using a homogeneous human phantom model. A more accurate calculation of the electric fields induced in the tissues of a heterogeneous human model based on data from the above MR study has been carried out by So et al. (2004). These authors estimated the minimum threshold for peripheral nerve stimulation of between about 4–6 V m_1, based on the assumption that stimulation took place in the skin or subcutaneous fat. With stronger stimuli, discomfort and then pain ensue; the lowest percentile for intolerable stimulation is approximately 20% above the median threshold for perception (ICNIRP 2004). Myelinated nerve fibers of the central nervous system (CNS) can be stimulated by electric fields induced during transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS); the pulsed fields induced in cortical tissue during TMS are quite high (_100 V m_1 peak), although theoretical calculation suggests that minimum stimulation threshold values may be as low as _10 V m_1 peak (Reilly 1998, 2002). For both sets of nerves, thresholds rise above around 1–3 kHz due to the progressively shorter time available for the accumulation of electric charge on the nerve membrane and below about 10 Hz due to the accommodation of a nerve to a slowly depolarizing stimulus.




One victim’s evidence: please see this photo with meter’s reading!/photo.php?fbid=638307309569918&set=pb.100001719652877.-2207520000.1397514316.&type=3&theater



One victim’s complaint: He tried to capture this with similar meter when “Chest pain and stuffiness and arrhythmia” onset only in home. But, he failed several times. Why? When he took out the meter to measure it, the symptoms disappeared at once. What does it mean?


One victim captured it and make it video and published on youtube. However, this video, I cant’ find it now.








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