Survey Monkey is an online service that creates and supports surveys. I think using this site would allow us to gain knowledge about our community of TIs. Knowledge is power. The more knowledge we have about our situation, the more power we have to influence it. A survey would point out patterns that may lie in how we are chosen. It will give us demographics to see if we are concentrated in certain areas. Or if more woman or men are chosen. WE can all decide on what kinds of questions go into the survey. The site info is here;
.Take a look and see if the cost would be something we could decide to help with by donating to peacepink on a regular basis. If we all split it up, it wouldnt come to much. I think it would be worth the cost to find the information. Of course we would have to see if Solelmavis would think this is a good idea if we are to work it out through peacpink.