Ive come across some issues that many of you all notice. Blogs are being created tgat target peacepink members. Often it is in the guise of blowing the whistle on someone the poster claims is a perp or troll. There is no objective argument given, just personal accusations, often based on personal differences. This is extremely destructive. When its repetitive, it becomes stalking by definition. It shou u not be allowed. I propose that we discuss petitioning the moderators to post and enforce rules, such as posting a blog with the intention of belittling, harassing, or accusing, another member incures a one month ban.
Another rule could be a 3-7 day ban for calling names, or cussing at each other. This includes callling ankther perp, or troll. This should be basic to adult communication, and disability should be no excuse for namecalling.
I understand that some are into labeling others as perps, they think its saving the flock from invaders. The problem is that those who take part in this labeling are often doing so on subjective grojnds, and thus are wrong. Vigilante ideas are not productive. There are moderators. We need a rule that members are not to be singked out by a group unless that group is made up of official moderators. Any attempt to create a bully environment by creating a group to gangstalk anothef peacepink member should be perminently banned.
If we create rules to help govern productive communication, we will have a much better chance at freedom because we will be more focused!!!
Lets discuss some rules!
Lets start again!
I woukd like to emphasize the 5th rule, specifically about not mentioning others in your post. This coukd be modified to do not use someones name or words in your attempts to make a personal point against another. This added offense of drawing and volunteering another oftten without consent, offends bith the intended victim and the one unknowingly drawn into it, so any discipline coukd be doubled.
LaBrat, your not interested in the versions.....the posts preserved on members profile pages are not versions. They are copies, no versions. Why woukd you not see that?
Did you or did you not have a lobotomy through the scar above your eye when the doctor said it was a eye surgery?
Did you or did you also say that you didnt have a lobotomy, and tgat half your head had been cut off, but only an x on one side of your head has a scar? And tgat you didnt actually have a lobotomy, but this was onky after I posted tge side effects of lobotomy. Before that you called me a petp because I questioned that you actually had a lobotomy. Does tge fact tgat you also now deny it make YOU a perp?
But, I must say....it is difficult to know that you are disabled in a way that is Incourigable, you cannot learn. So you should be ignored. But your persistance is limeca thorn. So what do I do?
Should I ignore you like you're a perp, even though youre not a perp? Or should I patiently try to convert the incorrigible?
I have yet to know!