
Honorable Prime Minister of India

Mr. Narendra Modi


Dear Sir,


I would like to draw your kind attention to a specific case for which I and my family are being victimized since December, 2008. From visual spying of every details of my life, it was developed into an acute and continuous audiovisual spying with very specific shock response specific to my action and speech and it has been happening all over the world irrespective of my location in land or in air. I think this is happening with all my family members including my 7 year old daughter who is an U.S. citizen now staying in India with her mother. I have been working as an Assistant Professor in the department of Ceramic Engineering at NIT- Rourkela since 2011 and experiencing this torture continuously all through my working career at NIT- Rourkela. A brief detail of the features of the technology that is being used against us is given below.


(1) Acute audio visual spying

(2) Even a little bit of whisper from mind can be detected

(3) Impulse can be directed towards the specific part of the body

(4) Different kind of sensation like pinching, itching, hard impact etc can be given to my body that have gradually become very much specific to my talk, whisper and activity.

(5) Can give pain even in internal organ of the body

(6) Can suddenly give tremendous pain to my neck by bending, twisting and stiffening it so that I cannot erect it.

(7) Can accumulate smell from one part and spray it to other specific part

(8) Can control the performances of my brain. Can make me sleepless night after night.

(9) Can attack me with different hallucinations and dreams during sleep because they might have a control over your visual cortex.

I believe virtually all symptoms are caused by a satellite connection with our brains.

In brief, they have virtually crossed all limits even almighty God cannot dare to cross. A 24 x7 hours of continuous control over anything that I talk, do and even think.


I do believe that if Government wishes to end this crime, there is no power in the world that can stop it from happening. After all, these are only evil sources with very weak mentality, those have no real power. So, common people even with ordinary brain cannot defend it. Above all, there is no motive behind this kind of hideous, horrendous crime. I also believe that Government should have a control over this kind of satellite technology, so ISRO might be helpful in this regard to detect and find the criminals. Also, if this technology is under the control of Government, the same can be used to detect the criminals. I can give you a suspected list of criminals in this regard and if this technology is tested against them even for an hour or so judiciously, one can easily go to the roots of the crime. Basically, ultimately it depends on government what way they would like to think on it. Whether we want to go to stone age, where men have no security from any attack from nature or surroundings or else we want to live in a healthy and secured world. Again resistance may come from different sources to mislead government into treating this as psychological disorder, but if anybody thinks wisely that so many people not only in India, but all over the world are being affected with same kind of symptoms and which has been classified and proved to be because of attack using psychotronic weapons, then one can easily understand the fragility of such evil resistance from evil powers. And also to treat this kind of odd and awkward symptoms to be of any psychological root is also a crime in itself. Hence, I would like to request you to consider the gravity of the situation which is no less than people losing his/her right to live, think and act with any kind of freedom and being tortured mercilessly and take appropriate steps to eradicate these evil sources from the earth.


My Indian passport number is Z2700982 and ssn (USA) no is 421-57-4860.

My addresses during the year December, 2008 - April, 2009 were as follows.


December, 2008- Washington State University, Pullman

December, 2008- April, 2009- University of Pennsylvania, Locust Street, Philadelphia.


If you need any further information donot hesitate to contact me to my e-mail address.



Sincerely yours,

Sudip Dasgupta, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Ceramic Engineering
NIT Rourkela



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