hello sir

i am victim of goverment hate and tortured to death to scream my house down with pulsing in my feet induced by the police force to make me commit a crime or suicide and i will fight in a court of law as will give evidence in magistrates court later this month to highlight as its coming out anyways the fact this goverment pay taxpayers money to torture humans to death something they signed up against in the eighties with the un and we know how corrupt uk goverment and police are with major problems last year highlighted in public with torture to humans and thats a fact and will gladly give you evidence to support humans were and still are tortured and now used by police called "MICROWAVE WEAPONS " as tested outside a police station that they were using it on the public and had survelliance vans with margaret thatcher selling off police freqencies in 1979 and now "TETRA " is used and sold worldwide to "SPY" on the public

i want a CT SCAN N XRAYS to check to see if i was illegally chipped as was abused by coventry hospital as the airforce(police) use and have the "PATENT" for voice to skull and would be interesting to know how many patients since 2006 have been put in by police for hearing voices?

very interesting day so far as because i have exploited the disgraceful police force and what they actually have done this yr 
alone which includes.

using dead kids names for undercover work
protecting drug lords
new powers over media
use microwave weapons on the public
curfew inforced in barnsley they call it for under 16 yr olds
sentencing innocent people and convicting to get a conviction

this is just some i have made sure that its known and the goverment have made it public as police arrests down 9% in 2012,they say not good news..i say liars

can hack your mobile without a warrant
can hack your pc without warrant

all above known that the police do as i brought it to light even to health ministers and goverment and goverment cant deny their involvement as explained to them..

they have asked for address and also drs address..the goverment
police have been issued with complaints by me
police asked for name and address twice

anybody who goes against the goverment will in future years be labelled and treated for mental illness

since all this,i have had the torture of microwave weapons used on me so it seems and upped everyday that i even get shocks off the plugs with pulsing in feet thats turned them purple today and very swollen and i want what ever medical care to get to the truth of why i am pulsed even if it means the goverment paying for specialists but all the goverment have to do is to turn it off

i have also had the drs out every night drugging me up

now its stopped drugging me up and i will not stop till someone listens to me on microwave weapons and my feet are so badly swollen and worst ever because microwave weapons are used on me

i emailed to the goverment 10 downing st i want an mri scan as was abused by coventry walsgrave hospital years ago and they swobbed my nose and i think they inplanted me then as apparently they do it through the nose..hence why i get lots of electric feeling in my feet that pulse as if someone is here torturing me to death.


the army use it and was used on the army to show the affects and they were hoping like jack rabbits for a few seconds and they couldnt take it and mine is at least 18 hours a day

all done to age you and we call it the slow death and now it seems they want me fast death with pulsing to induce a heart attack and believe me ,no matter where you live in this world the military,police and goverments and drs and everyone else are now all corrupt in using weapons on the public to kill or to move them away from areas.

this technology causes cancer and heart attacks

cancer has gone from 10000-1 to a low 8-1 this year because the goverment make 100 billion minimum a yr on people with cancer and in usa its over $160 billion a year

this technology has now gone higher with car companies already testing thought control in cars to stop which will save seconds and save lives..

a simulator already made and practised on and germany are huge for making parts for cars as i worked as subcontractor to aston martin

the technology will be given to police to stop police chases and will basically stop a car at standstill by cutting out the electrics..

the technology is moving fast even with future keyboards,mobile phones and everything and anything will at some stage be through thought control.

you can check youtube and see the army using it in war and also used to bring down planes well expensive toy ones and still the same as a real life situation if used against aircraft

this is used on the public 24/7 and so imagine that..
we know the technology

causes cancer
organs failing
induced heart attacks etc

over $10 million was paid out in human experiments in usa

including a lady who was paid $750k and she had been induced torture so bad it was 10x over what your mind can take believed to be 17,5,she did not know what a toilet was or how to use it and had husband and children and will never recover

they can heat ya body to 130f in seconds

artic freezing so it feels ur in the artic and hands turn purple or bright red and skin comes off instantly

causes burns to body

mi5/6 paid out for human experimentation to pilots using lsd 

in usa they use the technology on the public and also in prisons

over 500-000 americans suffer and in the uk its 1400 but most have died through suicide (mass murder)

readings were taken in brighton home of mi5 and showed they use microwave weapons and could you tell me as to why they do as they lied and cos i ask questions i feel i will be setup again and all my correspondence will be past on incase this is the case..

i want my life back and to be free and have my rights..in uk..i have nothing..i hate this country for what they have done to me and ruined my life..16 years job looks over..£50k cost me in lost wages..brand new house aswell and years of abuse and also this technology which has also been used by police to get people to give themselves up and then sentenced for been innocent just so the police get an arrest as like i said police arrests down between 9-12%

any thing you could do to help as i will not be slaved or abused anymore by politics!!!

my solictor will have my evidence against the goverment,police,hospitals and drs also

everything above is 100% true and after this letter has been sent out to thousands worldwide to end electronic harrassment and human torture that the goverments signed up against in the 80's

i want compensation and also the electronic harrassment turned off as i have seen first hand and was published in the sun newspaper that they have the power to "put fear into people" which was origanlly through ceop"

human experimenting is illegal and i will bring it to light to stop millions who suffer worldwide

If my health and i get to suffer with cancer or heart attack induced because of been a human experiment then i will make sure the goverment and police are not only sued with mi5 but that the goverment falls and please believe me that the goverment powers are not that strong as in most countries there are two higher ranks than the goverment and seems the queen can over turn the goverment i ask you this

will you help to stop corruption that is illegally been done through mind control that all new technology will be through thoughts and i also want anybody who was put in mental hospitals by police cleared of been a degraded human

my solicitor will keep all my research and videos and picture just incase i am set up yet again by police as i turn my attentions in making it public and i personally think they have a right to know especially when it involves cancer and heart attacks and that they already have the cures as why they dont use it is because they make too much money

the world is growing with 7.3 billion people and was always said it should never reach a figure and depopulation has already started in pakistan and you check all what i have said is 100% true

please be so kind to write back and treating this as a matter of urgency and would like to have a job working for the community so this never happens again as my only intentions are for the people and also for future generations too

yours sincerely
denis o'sullivan

phone: 07851254977
email: denis69@hotmail.co.uk

was taken to hospital on 20th by ambulance due to microwave weapons swelling feet n turning purple with also burnt feet in just 12 hrs n dr took pictures by his phone as he was so shocked at my feet in such a bad way and was asked do i shave my leg hair i said no all done though electric pulsing this goverment pays to have done to human beings

outrageous to degrade a human being and conservatives are responsible all because Magaret Thatcher sold off police freqencies and yet Mr Cameron was full of praise for her ..no suprise there

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