life poem

what could i say
on a day to day basis
not seein friends
not seeing faces
familiar themes
no one to call
so tired of the waiting
now its all changed
life could be so much better
freedom and rights gone
now complaing and letters
no ifs or maybes
life not planned
no one to listen
to lend a helping hand
struggle to even go to the shops
a struggle to clean
won't stop
worst i felt
if you know what i mean
torture now seems the rest of our days
read up more research
it goes a long way
isolation and war
seems to be most ti's ways
knowing you live with fear
can't have your say
but as we live in our darkest days yet
try meet some more people
with similar problems
and lets
try and stay calmer
be the best that we can be
bring down the goverments
its more than just free
we are tired of living as
experiments that not even
animals have been
the sadness of once
a beautiful country
now anger and mean
i know most of us
all had a life
no struggle
married,a husband a wife
now all gone
its all in the past
goverments everyday
put up more masts
to obey
to give in
borrowed minds
bring back our happiness
paying for other peoples crimes
my life was fantastic
great job and a wife
been married seemed simple
now backsabbed with a knife
when you have everything
what more could you wish
my life turned from been
happy and bliss
so now questions upon us
sleep in your bed at  night
stay awake and just lay
your head hits the pillow
but now its like brick
too much makes you sick
once a happy hard working
get up and go
things were so different
memory lapses
we all want to know
so all of theses questions
not an answer in sight??
to keep you awake,age you
sleepless nights
give back our lives
to make things
vivid and more clear
as now just a blurr
and struggle to hear
i know one thing for sure
not just a maybe
how sad that it is
we tried for a baby
dont you just wish
to grasp everyting back
with a  clenching
a fist
wake up its over
a hug and a kiss
i know one thing for certain
even more troubles ahead
sleep in a coffin
or awake in your bed
grant me a wish
i would ask for my wife
cos i dreamed it all really
and got back my fantatic life


best wishes n love lots




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