Live with a smile

Do what is right in God's eyes
Stop seeking random pleasure
You will then realize
God's children are the true treasure

Get rid of the undesirable behaviour
Replace that with that of our Saviour
Hey Antichrist are you gay
You are not the hero that saves the day

Be a God pleaser
Not a world pleaser
The world is evil
It is ruled by the fallen Angels

The world worships the almighty dollar
God's people worships the almighty Saviour
Sex is worshipped by the heathens
Purity is worshipped by the people of High Heavens

Your attitude towards God
Determines your destiny
How you treat God
Determines your destiny

If you love God
Do all His commandments
If you love God
Put on His heavenly white raiments

Don't behave like the heathens
Behave like the children of High Heavens
Don't celebrate the counterfeit worldly festivals
Celebrate the Biblical festivals

The evil forces prefer weak leaders in the society
So that they can be manipulated easily
My love for mankind is not sexual
Rather it is pure, holy and powerful

The pharmaceutical industry is not here to cure sickness
Rather it is here to make money from your sickness
They only offer temporary reliefs
Don't let them trick your beliefs

The health care of professionals are the slaves of the pharmaceutical industry
They are the tools of the pharmaceutical industry to make money
Beware of money making schemes
They are evil's enslaving schemes

If you want to be saved
Pray to God for your faith
Don't die with a smile
Live with a smile

The world is evil
It is that simple
The world needs heroes
It is that simple

There's much evil in the present world
But I believe heroes can change the world
I am reporting the facts
To live in a better world we have to act

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