
The first moment that I started to see something in M. was when he said "he likes to run". He said this 2 hrs after me arriving to the job place after receiving a ticket "in the highway". I was always, for years, curious about how he could have known so fast about that. Before this he was acting almost normal. Almost because there was a perception in me, that proof to be right, of his browsing through the cubicles at lunch time, without saying a word, when were were working at the great building.
Someone referred to him as the confident of T. and said that he monitored other employees. I have no doubt about that. When we were in the big building he used to appear at lunch time and look over the cubicles or watch "with discretion but watching" when you were visiting people in other areas. The word that they used was not confident; it was something stronger. Was he really allowed to that or was it something that, at that time, he thought he could with impunity?
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