Question for tis--If the authorities lie about mental health and say we are hearing hallucinations when we discuss the patented verichip v2k [which speaks to rationally and logically], do they lie about cancer screenings and other medical results.   I think they do.  One ti, a nurse, told me the Mafia  even doctors up xrays to read what they want. She said they were organized crime.  I am worried I just had a mammogram and they want me to come in for  a biopsy I think they want to amputate my breast to humiliate me, I was a whistleblower.   I know they already scared my face in 3 places in car accidents and alleged freak accidents.  I am very afraid. I am tired of being lied to by organized crime.   Remember organized crime is big and organized.   In the Mkultra hearings they were in about  80 INSTITUTIONS, colleges, hospitals, involved etc.  as documented on wikpedia.  Do other tis think or know or have proof that the government insiders lie.  Please share your thoughts, I would love to hear what others have to say.   I would also love to formulate a plan to expose lying on official government records for tis such as false mental health charges much like cointelpro.   I know the CIA was just exposed to Congress for lying about torture.  So government insiders do lie.

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