Making fun of my perps

they can't even so such as train themselves to read a book....the noise there making is loud, they wouldn't give up if there lives depended on life is there drug a reason to live...there is no subsitute for me or they'd be on it already there sick of themselves sick of me but yet they persist. how does one not grasp the simple concept of I want to be this person who does this there fore I'am one of these who does this and not because it comes easy but because I work hard at who I'am. And how does who they are get in twined up in me them= "this is our life pissing you off" I could sit here in my jail cell and they would still find that in thrilling.  I pray to god they get off me soon. I pray and I pray and I pray! how does one let themselves become such an idiot they can't even think for themselves? they have to narrate me brushing my teeth and bathing in the am because they can't do that themselves? am I filling in for an adults in diapers with no home care nurse?  even someone with that sort of problem has better things to do and think about, this day in age people are self absorbed, this is generation ex here hello! its a me society get with the program lol of course there's many a pitfall to that statement as well but looking on the up side to it if were all pretending to be rich and famous why can't they make there own fame that doesn't involve me? surly to goodness one would want to be original instead of some carbon copy how stupid is that? i respect people who have idols and things and don't have talent in areas that they want to but everyone has something other then being a "bitch" or an "asshole" that is just down right lazy. Even then there are famous "assholes" who are at least doing it right.If there trying to be me to get ahead they have got it all wrong another statement I often get is "for no reason what so ever we just want to be assholes". there ligering here because they have no direction! where the hell do I send them and how do I send them to hell?! how could someones whole life revolve around going to hell and why doesn't god kill them now instead of later? if I have to wait around till the day they die I'm gunna be one sick mutherfucker! 

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