I am a ti for 12 years. My energy field is being manipulated. I feel as if parts of it are being pulled away from my body momentarily. This only ever happens occasionally. When I fast on distilled water for a day or two, everything that is happening to me intensifys dramatically. I then begin to feel strong energy pulsating all over every part of my body, and I begin to question if I can control my own body anymore. Also, when fasting on distilled water, I feel as if I am drifting into another reality where I can actually see the perps working on my body. I believe that fasting makes my brain more accessable to them, but I could be wrong. I also believe that the longer I am a ti the more foreign energy they have pumped into my body and the link between them and me becomes stronger and stronger, and eventually they will have so much control over me that they will be able to enslave me and maybe turn me into a gang stalker myself. Through voice to skull they constantly talk about a time in the future when they will have control over me, and they make plans about what they might do to me then and what they might use me for. I am not trying to frighten any of you. I feel that by being totally honest that we can find ways of fighting back. I am currently reading two books on human energy fields as a way of trying to find solutions, and if I find any information I will certainly share it with all of you. I am a genuine ti. I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo. Ireland, and I have nothing to hide. Mahonia is not my real name. I just use it to protect myself from psychiatry. Recently, the perps have threatened to upload software into my brain which they claim will make me believe anything they wish me to believe and to behave any way they wish me to behave, and also to compromise myself by admitting to things I am not guilty of. Do any of you resonate with any of my story. I would welcome feed back. Mahonia.
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