this is old news but big,this is a great man who inspired me and got me on track to who they are,he exposed the police as he found they use vans parked up for months and also took readings and approached the police,had his freqency counter took off him and also did a show on channel 4 which the researchers all suffered with the same symptoms of mind control,i got in touch with the channel and they said they would never do anything on this matter ever again...a hero at exploiting the police who dont forget are basically run by mi5 who funny enough their base is in brighton and thats where readings were took even to the fact a few lads ona wall opposite police station were hit to move away.police also use tetra radios exploiting as the attacks onme are so severe to kill me as my gangstalking by police is upped as i gave them information about what they do..also asked a question has anyone complained of electronic harrassment and they replied can we have ur address and name lol.

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