Are we getting a clue to what this organized criminals are really doing?
There are two important points that make me think so.
1. That very first time I discovered the harassment and my health issues were related to my mobile phone was back in 2008/2009 when I decided to leave everything behind, pack my bags, and hie off to a place i was not familiar to. I thought the issue then was plain stalking and social engineering, and I believed they could track the mobile's GPS so I turned the phone off, removed the battery and took the plane to a distant place.
That was when i realized my sleeping issues, my 3-month long cough, colds and tonsillo-pharyngitis were not run-of-the mill health problems, they were caused by my phone.
For the first time in so many years I was able to sleep like a log. That was also when I got a clue to what happens when I am asleep. The one I shared the room with - bless her - asked me if I knew that I awoke, sat up and talked to her. I did not know that. Only when she told me about it did the memory resurface. I asked her to please tell me if such a thing would happen again since I recalled another instance when I only remembered what happened when the memory was triggered.
I started to dream again, too. Normal dreams (I can identify if the dreams I have are my own and if they are but projected.)
Anyway, I digressed (more on the above discoveries in another entry).
The owner of the house offered to sell my cp for me. He brought it with him when he went to the mainland.
One big mistake, he used it. When he went home, he was down with colds and the flu, and was coughing non-stop. The anonymous calls , missent messages and textmates also started pouring in, especially to the househelp.
I warned the househelp to be vigilant against textmates who will try to win her trust so they can get info from them (their most usual ploy: a guy textmate for a girl, a girl textmate for a guy).
When she was a bit cautious with the missent messages and textmate attempts, she got a call and a text utterly similar to what's described here:, except that she wasn't asked to send money but load credits.
Apparently, her cousin had just left for abroad and was supposed to be aboard a plane at that time. The message said that her cousin was in a hospital. seriously hurt in a vehicular accident thus she can't contact them. The stranger who said he's the one helping her said he doesn't have prepaid credits with which to call them so if they want updates, they can send him load. They did. they had no way of checking whether the cousin was able to leave or was indeed in an accident. Only after the person tried calling again for more load credits did they check again and that's when they got the info that the cousin was safe and no such accident happened.
Apparently she was not the only OFW victimized by this scam. There were also others from that area. Only someone who had access to the travel and plane manifesto could do such con jobs.
***Malate is a hub for travel and employment agencies but I am not familiar with Simon Street so I looked it up. What I found instead are links to similar scam email messages.
2. This is rather critical so please FILTER well.
This is tied up with the things I have been finding out about.
The ring of companies where ARG is being played out and who are apparently using hardware and software exploits to remotely access computers without permission has one of its affiliate companies covering up phishing issues.
PHISHING is the act of attempting to acquire information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details (and sometimes, indirectly, money) by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. (
That network also has as its affiliate one company that's closely tied up with the airlines industry.