I have been diagnosed with schiephrenia because I hear voices. The doctors know that I am dealing with V2K, but are afraid to discuss it. Because of this diagnosis, I get $1,379.00 per month. I also get Meds that make me sleep through what the perps do at night. I would not be able to sleep without them due to the constant v2K. I also get benzos that take the anxiety levels down. Who does not feel anxiety when assaulted by "perps"?. I also get pain pills for the pain they cause.
My point is that losing the fear of being mis diagnosed will allow us to take advantage of the system for monies, meds, and will also allow us to teacxh the doctors how to treat TIs even though they might not be able to admit it. When our minds ar assaulted, chemicals in the brain are set off balance so the meds do serve a real purpose. Just be very open about how it isthat you are a TI. I also direct all my dooctors to peacepink as a reference of what we go through as a group as well as individuals. I hope this info will be of help to you in your personal situation.