Medication does make the voices go away

I have been treated now for 2 years by a Pschiatrist and tried many medications.  I have also worked with the Roman Catholic Church and believe this to be demonic possession and the 'one mind of the beast" which is talked about in Revelation chapter 13.  I have pictures of demonic entities coming down from my ceiling attacking me and have done exorcisms.  That with the medication does make the voices go away.  There is hope in calling upon Jesus and going and taking the Eucharist becoming one body one blood with Christ who was Crucified in Spritual Egypt Revelation 11:8 which is how it looks above in Babylon which is Spriitual Egypt and also called Higher Consciousness and the One Mind by the New Age people.  You must fight this by using RITE 1 EXORCISM PRAYERS FOUND ONLINE AND THEY WORK.  The muslims refer to this realm as the djinn realm and it is the same, Babylon, Spiritual Egypt, One Mind, Higher Consciousness.  These are Spirits of Solomon found in the Lesser Key of Solomon the King who give the ONE MIND to mankind and it is demonic possession.  The medication has also helped but I feel the prayers and taking the photographs were more helpful in proving there was something there other than voices in my head.

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