First of all... all programming seems to be done during sleep.
Second of all, they do it under hypnosis.
Hypnosis and meditation are very different.
When you meditate it is you that you are in charge.
When you are hypnotized, somebody else is in charge.
When you meditate you are totally aware, more aware then ever.
When you are hypnotized, you are not aware. But the hypnotist would make you believe that you are aware. That's why a hypnotized person would normally NOT REMEMBER what happened during hypnosis.
When you meditate you decide by FOCUSED INTENT exactly what you want to think about, work with or what you want to get rid of from your thinking.
When you are hypnotized, you can't control a thing. You can be programmed in any way they like to program you.
What about hypnosis vs. meditation vs. mind control?
Well, when you are mind controlled, they try to split you up in pieces by stressing you out, and by putting enormous pressure on your mind and body.
When you are stressed out you are very confused and it's the confusion that is created that makes you more easily controlled and programmed.
Meditation releases both stress and fear and heals a confused mind. An important part in meditation is focusing on nothing or on one thing (for example a beautiful flower). When you clear your mind this way, you also clear or the junk that they put in during sleep hypnosis and on a distance.
When you meditate:
- You get rid of the stress - you are less likely to be easily controlled from outside sources.
- Your mind becomes integrated - less split up.
- You are more aware - you have more personal power.
Is meditation a religion?
In India meditation has been used for ages.
People have used meditation as a way to become one with the divine.
They can believe in certain traditions that meditation makes you reach different states of awareness and eventually reach the nirvana or enlightment.
But Buddha wasn't a God and is not regarded as such. He is more of a teacher.
He used meditation in order to get rid of the feelings that makes us unhappy.
Therapists use meditation as a relaxation method.
It doesn't have to do with religion, but rather will the psychology and the mind.