Meeting to be Held In Plymouth

Hello my Friends

I am organising a ti meeting to be held in Plymouth in May 2013.

By may i will have a place and proper address so i will offer to host a meeting but i ask you to bring your own bits and peaces ie sleeping bags,food and drink.

I dont mind if you want to smoke outside of my home but many if not all council properties have smoke and fire alarms today so thats how it is.

I use recording equipment in my own space all the time and i absolutely recognise your right and responsibility to yoursleves to use your own recording equipment at all times. Please make sure you bring enough batteries for your equipment.

The nature of the abuses for us all means i can gurantee the places im offered will have perps either immediately next to me or very much in the same road or street anyway.

I am hoping the weather will be good, if so i would ask you to come on a walk to the more parklike areas or catch a bus to go into Cornwall and take a coastal path walk where we take in the air and can speak pretty much freely as these places are usually very quiet. we could find a cafe and eat outside if you wish.

The only other thing we need to keep in mind is Please lets keep my place and the countryside tidy so if you bring a bag or two to dump your rubbish when we have eaten thats real cool :).

Email me if you wish and i will happily organise and agree with you a program of speakers and topics. or perhaps given the way things are at times you might like to consider writing down your own suggestions and telling it how it is for you.


One topic very much in my thoughts these days is being able to find a cheap place to live outside of the UK. What would be even cheaper is for several people to live together in a cheaper country than the UK.

As many of you have said and we will always see repeated because more and more people are being classified as tis all the time is we keep reinventing the wheel so much time and often resources are being wasted because we are so poorly organised. I think real organisation is difficult when tried at distance, when we are in a group and stay as a group living that way for a trial period where we make no demands on each other and everyone can choose to leave at anytime i think we will have made at least a step in the right dierection.

Personally i look towards the future and unless we choose to look after each other its a very scary prospect where the day would come that we lose our own independance and be placed against our will into a home or hospital because we have no-one who gives a dam.


Getting old as tis go is a nightmare in the making unless we prepare and learn to prepare. You all know what we can expect after using our younger years to advocate free speech in the faces of facists.

I have seen people who care being physically forced into sudden and hard movements while they were attending the needs of thier loved ones which resulted in that elderly person or loved one missing thier hold or losing thier balance or having an item of furniture forced into thier legs and arms leaving the biggest of bruises and other more serious injuries inflicted on the very people they love the most.

Thats what we can look forward too if and when we lose our personal independence.


Lets get people organised who have humanity and the maturity and education of carers to offer a better place for tis away from thier and our sadistic and mindlessly stupid and savage torturers in our later years.

Remember it will be your day to come. who is going to be there to care ?


























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