Mental Purity ~ Rites of Passage ~ Children of the Sun

mental purity


Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation      

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Prepare Your Life ~ Review of our Mental Purity  
The 2012 Rites of Passage Begin Soon!


  • The Rites of Passage begin this September   
  • Embracing Mental Purity                    
  • Living from Intuition and Synchronicity
  • Energy Follows Thought                      
  • The Power of Divine Perception
  • Concentrating the Mind
  • Resources and Extra Support         












gold key 

The Rites of Passage begin this September 



Children of the Sun Foundation is co-creating a Rites of Passage Program for all Planetary Light Servers in which to guide a 12-week group initiation into greater levels of Unity Consciousness and the genuine perceptual and experiential awareness of the self as God.

As a resonant group, we have been preparing our life in order to make the necessary commitment to go the distance in this exponential passage. This is going to be one heaven of a ride, beloved Avatars, so gather your ability to focus with supreme intensity as we rise to meet our divine destiny through these Rites of Passage. 


We are in the Preparation Phase! 


To undergo these Rites, it is HIGHLY recommended that you have an advanced level of control and balance over your three lower bodies - the physical body, the emotions and the mind.


  • This entails a demonstration of physical purity, having brought the needs and wants of the body under the dominion of your soul.
  • The astral/emotional body is limpid and calm, demonstrating the ability to maintain a state of harmony and balance in the face of adversity.
  • In achieving control over the mental body, your thoughts are qualified by the Divine Presence within and demonstrate a high level of stillness and inner quietude. 









If anyone would like to translate these Rites and  
produce the mp3 audios in other languages,  
please contact us at:







Upcoming New Moon Cycle and Continuing...

Embracing Mental Purity     




Our next preparatory focus for the upcoming Rites of Passage is to observe the manner in which the mind disperses thought energy.



Having made the necessary adjustments in our emotional bodies, we find ourselves the subject, not now of glamour, but of illusion... of illusion which is governing the mind.


These may have to do with our use of a limited dual perception to try and figure things out. Our decisions come from the more linear, rationalizing part of our mind that wants to feel safe by adhering to logic.


Let's again look closely at our need for mental analysis and any thinking from this approach. Are we still connected to belief systems, living our life according to societal and cultural programming? Are we believing in outer appearance or what we are reading? 


In our perceptual shift, we are learning to let go of the need for logic so that the mind is responsive to ideas, intuitions and impulses coming from the soul and our monadic source (God).


Preparation Recommendations:  



Living from Divine Intuition and Synchronicity


When the mental body is controlled, we gain the ability for pure and creative thought forms pulsating with the spirit of service.


If our mental body remains dependent upon the old pattern of solely making decisions based on linear logic, we bypass the ability to intuitively recognize the Law of Synchronicity at work in our daily lives. To overcome this approach, it is simply a matter of releasing the hold of the mind, thereby allowing the light of God to come in and transmute the thoughts that entrap and keep us locked in a vice of old programming.


The mastery of the mental body is the great transfiguration when we transition from an emotional based focus to an intelligent thinking focus. Our thoughts are born of Divine Intuition, streaming in through the means of a controlled personality vehicle.



Energy Follows Thought



Whatever we place our attention upon, grows in power and influence through the direct impact of mental energy.


It is this divine fact that keeps many evolving beings locked in various states of dis-ease, imbalance and separation. As we wade through streams of discordant thought bent on the 'healing' of an imperfect condition, we keep ourselves anchored in the very thing we are aiming to transmute.


In keeping our focus laser-beam sharp upon the patterns of perfection, this perfected condition becomes our reality as we come into greater resonance with the holy vibrations of God.



Releasing Mind Attachment to Self Identity


In our desire to return to Divine Reality, we realize that this requires the complete giving up of all ideas and beliefs about the personal self and its plethora of self-willed creations.


There is a return to living simply, ever so humble and always ready to be filled with greater and greater revelations of Truth, one building upon the other as the consciousness adjusts inwardly and reflects outwardly.


In this state of emptiness, we are open fully to the light of Divine Intuition. As a soul-infused personality, our will becomes one with Divine Will as we carry out our service to humanity with an unerring focus.



The Power of Divine Perception

The Source of all is God, or, Oneness. This means that all pairs of opposites have the same foundation. Light and dark are from the same source. Good and evil are from the same source. While different in frequency, they live on the same polarity spectrum, are extreme manifestations of the exact same energy and are deeply interdependent upon the other at the human level.


Divine Truth just might lie in the absolute middle, in complete neutrality, neither negative nor positive... zero charge. Divine Truth is not for or against anything, it just IS. This may be why the Buddha taught his disciples to walk the "Middle Way".


Our complete transcendence from duality is paramount to help bring about the new creations that are needed in the world today. When we focus all of our thoughts, words and actions on the highest good of all (whether good, bad or indifferent) we are operating in alignment with the Universe, and we begin to live, perceive and create from the one Divine Consciousness within.


May we all be blessed with much deeper union with God. Divine Love knows no opposite. By placing all attention to be consciously merged with this Source of our power, with this Source of our every action, we can more easily transcend the illusion of separated identity.





Developing Concentration - Jewels of Wisdom   


  • Self Mastery in these fluctuating times depends on our level of concentration and control over our mind and emotions. To develop and use the power of concentration for Divine Action, our lower human desires must be purified in order to see clearly. This brings through the Divine Plan in our thought-feeling creations.
  • Fine tuned concentration is developed through exercising the mental faculty with anything requiring sustained focus. It then becomes an attitude of life. Regular meditation is essential for those depending upon guidance received through the higher senses.
  • Concentrate on the spoken word. May we speak less and know more. May we speak slowly and deliberately. Seek to use only words that blend the self with the Will of God and the Divine Plan. We are the instruments of Peace.
  • The mind is associated with the nerves. When we steady our nerves and nervous system, we steady our mind. If the nerves are erratic, our minds become scattered and our creation power is not concentrated. When breathing is uneven, the mind cannot concentrate. Controlling our breath steadies the mind and the emotions.     
  • EXERCISE and strengthen your body... get fit for the greater work coming up!
  • The more self poise and peace that we carry, the better our concentration. Being in a hurry can take us out of the awareness of presence.
  • Observe where the attention is so that it does not wander or get easily diverted.  Be consciously attentive and hold the mind on one thing at a time. You will accomplish more in less time plus alleviate much energetic interference.


We concentrate at the moment we say...  

















~ Mental Body Preparation ~      





2. Related Audios     

Developing Concentration 

Journey to the Great Central Sun

The Power of Perception (transcending duality) 

Pineal Gland Activation 




3. Related Articles


The Power of Perception (transcending duality)


Releasing the Mind and Attachment to Self

Dissolving Self Identity

Our Departure from Desire



4. REVIEW!   
Rites of Passage 2011


We highly recommend the review of this outstanding program created for our 11-11-11 passage and presented as a gift of grace from Children of the Sun Foundation. These present the virtues of Christ (Unity) Consciousness in the form of 7 Rites, 7 Seals and  7 Gifts.  














The 2012 group momentum facilitated through Children of the Sun Foundation will be carried out through a focus referred to as the I AM Avatar Yoga. We are exercising this yoga within the New Earth Crystalline Matrix during the Planetary Grid Transmissions.

Our goal this year is to reach total clarity of consciousness and Divine Union with our Source of Life. This concerns the realization of the whole, re- aligning us as one into a resonant rhythm within the universal ascension spiral through single pointed focus in union with our inner Sun Presence and the Group Soul. 


listen with headphones (highly recommended)
Download Mp3 Here(right click the link then save as...)


 page source:

en espanol:



These are timeless presentations to help YOU and our entire Group 

Body build and sustain momentum. Please repeat as often as you desire.

   *The Collective Initiation of Monadic Absorption*

 This audio is a voice narrative to aid in understanding this initiation
Monadic level energy will catalyze an instant evolution of consciousness in the spiritually awakened... to spawn a quantum leap of the entire four-body system.

listen with headphones (highly recommended) Download Mp3 Here(right click the link then save as...) 

*The Amazon Transmissions*

 This audio is embued with the code transferences of Unity Consciousness 
and gently guides a journey of energy body recalibration and stabilization.

listen with headphones (highly recommended):· ·
 Download Mp3 Here(right click the link then save as...)

Voices by Amazon Participants... Tiara Kumara, Joost Van Bilsen, song by Gary Gottselig


*Building the Strength and Power of our Electronic Ring*

 We are consciously building and charging this luminous field of Divine 
Light radiation and our personal mantle of protection and invincibility.
This also gives us greater ability in the skill of Energy Transference.

listen with headphones (highly recommended):   
 Download Mp3 Here(right click the link then save as...) 

*Developing our Concentraton for Instant Manifestation*

It is through the Divine Attribute of Concentration that brings 
stability, alignment with our Supreme Mind and opens the door 
into our Powers of Creation and instant manifestation.

listen with headphones (highly recommended):   
 Download Mp3 Here(right click the link then save as...)

*Journey to the Great Central Sun
*Building our Antahkrana ~ Activating our Solar Magnetism*

We activate our absolute alignment with the Great Central Sun and the solar 
magnetism within our own bodies... that which gives us instantaneous manifesting 
ability. We build Group Antahkarana and realize union with our I AM Presence.
listen with headphones (highly recommended):   
 Download Mp3 Here(right click the link then save as...)
angelic toning by Iris Onica

*Expanded DNA Code Activation ~ Remembering our Avatar Skillsets*

This is activating the codes of light in our DNA and the remembrance of

our Avatar skills. This transmissions directly supports the actualization 
of our God Self out-pictured in the flesh.

listen with headphones (highly recommended):   
 Download Mp3 Here(right click the link then save as...)

*Firing the 2012 Momentum*

Through this transmission, we are initiating together, our Group Avatar Blueprint 
and the emergence of its physical manifestation during this year 
of 2012.

listen with headphones (highly recommended):   
 Download Mp3 Here(right click the link then save as...)


Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation, Inc. | | 404 M. Mt. Shasta Blvd, Suite 320 | Mt. Shasta | CA | 96067

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