Message to the new president.

Yesterday, I submitted the following statement at :Please enforce the federal civil rights laws, e.g. 18 USC 241, 18 USC 242, and 18 USC 245, without prejudice. Assure to all persons the right to complain and to have one's allegations examined and investigated, even if the perpetrators of such abuses enjoy status within the Intelligence Community, even if evidence of their crimes is classified.Recommend ratification of the Optional Protocol of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights andArticle 22 of the Convention Against Torture.Rescind the "reservations" and "understandings" that the Senate imposed in 1994 upon the definition of torture. Respect international human rights laws. Require that political-economic-military allies comply with standards of decency and compassion.Support the International Criminal Court, and express willingness to submit yourself and your administration to its scrutiny.Let the Age of Accountability begin now.James Henry Graf
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  • I have posted the following at

    The Inauguration will mark a new beginning in the political life of the United States. President Obama has suggested that we look toward the future.

    Accentuating the positive, however, is meaningless until we eliminate the negative. Past and continuing outrages deserve attention and correction, lest the new beginning prove an illusion, a shiny gloss that masks years of rot beneath.

    This is certainly true regarding the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the Bush Administration. It is true as well for domestic crimes against humanity, committed under color of "national security" and shrouded in secrecy, that have spanned the administrations of that last four presidents. As the victim of one such series of crimes, I must speak out and remind the new Administration that it has some very painful work to do, some hard realities to acknowledge. I make bold to present one here.

    My other blog posts here have noted the persecution and state terrorism that forced me to seek political asylum three times between 1991 and 1993, as well as the corruption and discrimination that thwarted those efforts. This post concerns Brussels 07789, a document dated May 30, 1993 in the files of the American Embassy in Brussels supplied to me by the US State Department in 1998 pursuant to my request under the Privacy Act. It is the unclassified (declassified) portion of a larger text, the remainder of which is still secret. Since the document called my sanity into question merely because I claimed to have been persecuted by US authorities, I submitted corrections, some, but not all, of which found their way into the record.

    I believe that the public good demands full disclosure of the file that contains Brussels 07789, embarrassing though it be. Accordingly, I make a public request that Secretary of State Clinton and President Obama prevail upon the Intelligence Community to clean up its act and acknowledge the abuses of the past, starting with the scandalous events of 1992-3 in the Netherlands and Belgium. Please don't let the sordid past stain and undermine the bright future for which we all hope. Let this be the Administration that acknowledges the difficult truths, confronts the hard realities, and and lays the foundation for an America that is truly "safe" for all its people, even whistleblowers.
  • I have created a blog at . My first post is "Here's How It All Came About" from my web site.

    Along with demanding full revelation of the truth regarding abuse of human beings with EM weaponry, we must also demand an end to the intractable corruption that has permitted such atrocities to continue. We need -- the world needs -- a revolution of truth, law, justice, and accountability.
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